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Everything posted by gex08

  1. I think this guy has a lot of repressed anger toward women-he`s probably been rejected a lot...the fact he wants me to participate in gangbangs makes me think he`s on a power trip-he`s also been belittling my looks and intelligence lately(before I told him about my fantasy he thought I was beautiful,smart,funny,nice,etc.)I just think it gives him a feeling of power when he can insult a woman and make her feel bad-he feels like he has the power to hurt someone.I just don`t understand it-he was so tender towards me at first...how can a man over-react so bizarrely when a woman tells him about a (not very wild)fantasy?I mostly told him about it because another guy had accused me of being uptight...It was stupid to tell him,I know,but I didn`t expect him to turn into a monster...
  2. This situation is so incredibly bizarrely screwed up-I `ve got to talk about it in detail...it`s hard to understand unless I tell you everything...and I still have feelings for him,at least the side of him that respects "good " women...I really think he`s 2 different people...but maybe a lot of men are...one personality with women they respect,and a different personality with women they don`t respect...what`s wrong with this guy???...HELP!
  3. That`s priceless!-and true...Most of the guys I met wanted to cry about their former girlfriends-which made me a little impatient,I admit!I mean,why dothey want to talk to me if they`re still hung up on their old girlfriend?...I was one of those who actually did want a meaningful relationship-and I thought I`d found it-but within a month,this incredible guy had turned into a filthy-minded monster...the worst part is I feel guilty-he says my innocence brought out this side of him,that he was normal sexually before he met me(which I`m not sure I believe).And yes,he did force me to become like him for a while-but I still felt unattractive and worthless afterward(which is how he wanted me to feel-this guy`s on a perverted power trip,andit seems to me he`s got a lot of anger towards women.)..I`m in a lot of pain right now because of online dating,but I`m trying to laugh about it-so I can get over it-thanks!
  4. I totally agree.I`ve had nothing but tremendously horrible experiences online dating.There are maybe 1% decent men,and even with them how likely is it that there will be any "sparks"?and trust me,the overwhelming majority of men on these sites are,to put it mildly,at least a little bit screwed up in one way or another.(as for the women,well,I imagine most either have some kind of problem,maybe bad personality or lack of social savoir faire-either that,or hard up-I admit I was!)You wouldn`t believe the bizarre online dating experiences I`ve had-(e-mail me if you want to know more-I`ve saved most of my conversations,also I could tell you about the actual dates.)You get to care about someone,and then find out that person isn`t real-there is no such person,it`s a persona.Yes,it can be hard to find romance in the real world-but trust me,you stand a much better chance than in the cyber world-after all,people have been doing it for millions of years!Now when I think about it,it seems so sleazy-putting my picture up,"selling" myself-like an escort service or worse...Save your money-and save yourself a lot of pain....just had to vent!I`m going thru this right now...
  5. I think his background might have something to do with it-he comes from a culture where women are kind of repressed,and the men don`t think that "good" women have fantasies
  6. I started talking with a guy through an online dating service.We really liked each other,in fact it seemed like we were on the way to falling in love.Then,I made the mistake of telling him about a fantasy I had about him,which wasn`t even that wild a fantasy.He was shocked,and ever since then his attitude toward me completely changed.He now thinks I`m a "bad girl",is disrespectful of me,and even wants me to participate in gang-bangs!It`s hurtful,because I keep remembering that wonderful guy he was at first...I went out with him a couple of times because I thought I could make him fall back in love with me,but it did`nt work,in fact now he tells me he could never be serious about me,but wants to be "sex buddies".That`s not enough for me...apparently he draws a line between "good girls" and "bad girls",and considers me a bad girl,which is ridiculous because I`ve only been with one other guy in my life!Has anyone else ever made a similar mistake with a guy?It`s hard to know what to say or not to say,because you don`t want a guy to think you`re uptight...but when you mention anything sexual they lose respect for you...
  7. ok,ok...but his wife is very mean to him,that`s common knowledge...
  8. But I like him...he`s very sweet...and I get the feeling he`s just waiting for his kids to grow up ,and then he`ll get a divorce...
  9. There`s a guyat my job,he always comes to sit or stand next to me,he rubs my back,and regularly tells me things like,"God...you are so pretty."Is he flirting with me?do you think he could be romantically interested in me?He`s married,though unhappily,and has(older) kids.we`re always locking eyes...I like him,am attracted to him,and could see myself in a relationship with him...however I don`t know how to interpret his actions,and I`m shy about making the first move...
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