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Everything posted by hoser26

  1. What have you got to loose? Unless its ur first time then make it special, but if not, dont let the sex be a problem. If you need a good lover in bed to be happy dont get yourself in a fix if he isnt able to satisfy you. I have learned for some women sex is a big part of a relationship, so if you are even questioning the thought then you feel that sex is very important.
  2. My wife is on all kinds of drugs for depression anxiety stress migrains and alergies. I feel like she is like Sibel, up and down, confused and very emotional and sensitive. The employee doesnt take the first drug and rarely is sick. She is a very happy girl and wants to be active.
  3. I have a hard time asking a doctor what to do about pre ejaculation. I have a demanding wife and she has been pleased by me several times, but I want to please her everytime. I get so excited about sex that buy the time we get going good I see her body and I cant stop the ejaculation. She is very sexy and likes to get wild in the bed, it is great but she never helps me keep going. I can go again but usually it goes soft. Is there any drugs like viagra or any other options like mind techniques to try??????????????
  4. I will not break the married mans code, but I feel I have because im always thinking of her instead of my wife...
  5. Im in a simular situation but she is married too. We both are in marriages that are bad, Im separated she isnt. We have done nothing but talk and flirt. We have an incredibel ability to talk to each other profesionally and intimently. Its like both of us are interviewing each other just in case we both were to leave our spouses. If your single and your boss wants out of his relationship then wait. If he is just using his power to get some side action, dont....
  6. The first counceller resulted in her telling us that we both need to get lawyers!!!!!!! The latest one is good and is making sense, but she thinks im to immeshed with my family and asked if I was willing to quit my job which is a family busines in which I make a good living at to save my marriage. My wife will not move into our present home. She wants to start fresh, im not having that until im sure we can make it. The point im having a hard time is that this employee is everything Ive ever wanted in a girl, plus she is pharmacy free. We both dont want to move until we know that there is something waiting. Im presently working on my marriage but see the water coming in and pretty soon the ship might sink.
  7. My wife and I are currently separated do to emotional exhaust. She wants me to change in order to get back together. She is needing more from me and I realize now how complicated she is and dont really know if I can give her the level of love she needs. She is very emotionally driven and has harmonal issues. I feel depressed with her and dont really know if I want to change for her because im care free and easy going. I dont want to be in such a depressing relationship. She has issues as do I but dont know what to do because she is a great person and a good lover but with much baggage. This I didnt know before we got married, or atleast I thought would workout with communication and possibly kids. So far after 3 endometrious surgerys, she is unable to bare kids. I believe this amoung being a only child from a single mother and an emotional abusive deadbeat chastised father has ruined her for me. My problem has been multiplied by one of my employees. I along with my family have a business in which i am the boss of the office. My married employee has become open to me and we have grown close. She is in a relatively new marriage and is unhappy with his lack in desire for children. On top of being a complete moron and a serious idiot.(not just my opinion) We have communicated that men and women cannot be just friends and we both acknowledge how good of a match we would have been if circumstances were different. We know have started flirting and talking mess to each other. We also wouldnt want to leave our relationships unless one was waiting at the door. I know it is un professional, immoral, unethical and illegal. There has been no contact other that the feel of here hair. She is what I want in a relationship as am I for her. We are involved emotionally to just a fun playful level, but I am fearful that I may think with the wrong head and slip. I dont know what to do, I want things to work out with my wife as do I want things to work out for my employee. But the feelings I have for here serious and consuming. I have been advised to not have relations with any of my employees and respect that, but I feel she might be my best friend or soulmate lover. Am I just lost and hoping for something better or am I happy because she is the half I always wanted???????
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