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Posts posted by Jetta

  1. So your soulmate is dying? Well be a friend to him, but nothing more. It's good that your husband knows about your relationship (obviously you're trustworthy because you've shared this with your husband). I know of a friend who met her soulmate after being married, they're close friends. If he left his marriage for you you may need to back off but if he's dying he really needs some support and you ought to be the one to offer it.

  2. No reasons given on the receptionist ones. One I know it's because I was late frequently. I used to drop my son off at daycare in a different city. He needed stability so I drove an hour out of my way to keep him at the same place.


    Generally they say they just don't have enough work, ran out of work for me to do, etc. I'm an efficient worker, and even when I was working my full-time accounting job I felt like it could be a part-time job. There is just never that much to do. They all say I'm fast, which is good when they're behind but once they're caught up I'm usually let go.

  3. I'm working a temp job that was supposed to go permanent but they really haven't carved out an actual job for me so I'm worried since I really don't want to be job searching again. I'm having a hard time even getting temp jobs because of my experience. I worked for 4 years in accounts payable, but I don't have a degree so I'm SOL on getting back at the lowly level I even was. I have customer service experience but that was 12 years ago, and I'm now guessing I have to write up various resumes to account for my different experience. I mean all the entry level jobs are even wanting experience now, what happened? I've worked as a receptionist (not good jobs for me fired every time). I've done lots of little things but still have a hard time. What do you do when you have the experience and skills but not the degrees needed and you need money to live?


    Kind of vent but if you have some solid advice I'd appreciate it. I need an actual permanent job with benefits so I can return to college and end up in a job I reasonably enjoy that pays a liveable wage. So what do I do in the meantime when the jobs are hard to come by and that's the one thing I need to get by?

  4. Well God paired up Adam and Eve didn't he? Even Cain was wed. I feel like we're supposed to be paired up, and being alone is unnatural. I've prayed that the man I'm meant to marry appears to me because I know I married two men I wasn't supposed to marry. My mom says we are complete beings and don't need another, of course she's connected with a guy right after my dad died and has been alone only for brief periods. So she's one to talk. Don't know what to tell you other than pray to meet that person you are meant to be paired with.

  5. Since you hear this a lot odds are you are one or both of them without really realizing it. You were given a good description of controlling. Needy is someone who has no life outside of their partner. A couple should spend time together, but should also have friends they spend time with outside of the relationship (balance). There's more to needy than that, but it's a fine line between normal and needy. It's normal to want to know where they are going to be but not so if you have to know (for example).

  6. Well I'd be glad he sent the SS cards. It's a form of contact, maybe he's curious how you're doing without him. Maybe he's finally ready to release you and is returning your stuff as a way of closing things for good with you. Just a couple of guesses, since mine are as good as yours.

  7. There are solutions to all of your problems. Try Rogain, it really helps. Go to a dermatologist or try some over the counter remedies that are proven to heal your acne. And yes you sound like you struggle with depression. You can try affirmations, positive thinking, therapy, and meds. Check out link removed Get the book and read it. It's helped me in life greatly.

  8. You can find papers on-line, but it's really best to go through an attorney. Also in the U.S. you can go to the courthouse and ask for the court documents (for a fee) they give them to you to complete. I think it's $5 to get the paperwork and several hundred to file.

  9. When things suck just remember everything is temporary. It can feel like forever but you'll be happy to have your masters when all is said and done and it's only a few months of feeling like the outsider. There's bound to be at least one other person you can befriend. Look around, who else has that outsider look/feel. Start talking with them. I take it you didn't meet any guys in class that were prospects? Do you have friends who know someone and could set you up? If those areas aren't working try on-line. You'll meet someone there. I never feel ready to meet someone then I want to have someone to do things with so it's a catch 22 for me. Really I could use more friends. Wish on-line had a meet and greet to make friends with similar interests.

  10. Head to the hospital. I usually kept track from the time I arrived at the hospital. About 8 hours. The worst part is the pushing part (that was about 45 minutes for me, both kids same push time). That's hard labor, probably what the epidural helps you avoid the pain of.

  11. I think we all have days like this. You'll get over your relationship, you kind of are if you're wishing her the best (really good thing). I've quit chocolate before but decided it's my vice and I'm keeping it. You've quit smoking once you can again but you probably should find a replacement vice (something a little less destructive). I'm moving into coffee (never used to drink it), quitting stress eating for alcohol (yeah not a good replacement but my body likes it better).


    You'll get through this. *** BIG HUG ***

  12. It very well could be a reaction to the pill. If you're on any meds at all a side affect is often sex drive. I'm noticing this with the meds I'm on, right now no problem since I have no boyfriend but it will be. Of course stopping the pill means you'll be able to become pregnant so take precautions unless it's what you want. But I bet your sex drive will return once you quit the pill.

  13. Okay I pulled the short notice resignation and I really suggest giving the two weeks notice. The short notice resignation has come to bite me in the butt. You're going with a start up, who knows if it'll be successful, you may one day want to return to this company, or at least need them for a recommendation. GIVE THE FULL TWO WEEKS, you'll still have a week to chill out.

  14. Isn't it awful how easy it is to take someone's children away? Minnesota is an awful state for children. If you want to keep your kids stay out of this state.


    I don't know what to tell you; the pro bono lawyers wouldn't help me either. All you can do is hope that one day she realizes the truth. Stay in contact with her even if she's awful towards you. Most teenagers go through a hating their parents phase, see it as a phase. Stay in touch with her.


    I also felt like death should arrive when I lost my kids. I'm still alive, as are you. Whether there's a reason or not we have to push forward. Is there still time for you to file an appeal? You have 60 days from the trial to do so, and it's complex but you can do it yourself (for about $1000, $500 to file and another $500 for something else). I missed the deadline and didn't have the money but maybe you still can appeal. I can come up with a link for information on how to do it, what'll you need, etc. One thing is no new information is allowed to be added, they base the appeal on the same information (include trial transcripts). You're daughter may be acting out thinking you sent her there, rather than realize she was taken. I know my 4 year old doesn't realize they took her from me.


    You have a lot more fight in you than I did. I felt too beat up to continue and that is why I lost. Keep fighting.


    link removed


    For an appeal:

    link removed

  15. Now since we alwasy want something that is of value to us, a bad looking person is looking for a medium looking person, a medium looking person is looking for a good looking person and a good looking person is looking for a very good looking person.


    Not true. I've seen attractive people with not so attractive people. Hmm wonder what they saw in the person? Your missing a large aspect of attraction; personality, fermones, whatever it is, there's more to it than looks.

  16. You are proof that love isn't always enough. If you can't handle it now you won't be happily married later. You're smart to figure this out before you bring kids into the mix. I hate to say it because I want you to stay with her, but it really isn't the right thing to do if you're having these feelings. You have to think about you. I was thinking about them and ended up married twice only to hurt many later. Had I thought about what I really wanted from the start I would be in a very different place now.

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