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Posts posted by Jetta

  1. I agree with you. I'd hate for you to end up with nothing when everyone else is getting something, which is why I agree with the one poster about putting it into an account. But what is she going to live on? Find out if Grandma is aware of this. She may need a lawyer to act on her behalf.

  2. Focus mostly on the job. You won't be admitted to Army because of flat feet anyway so put the weight loss stuff aside, it's just creating more stress. If you really want to lose weight quick the best way is fasting for 3 days to break your food addictions. Start with a one day water only fast and then next time do the 3 day water only fast. It's very cleasing. I was doing it for spiritual reasons and lost weight.


    Anyway you need a job to do anything so that should be your main focus. Even physical labor people have office people to handle paperwork so look into working at one of their offices. Small towns have small town papers read the employment section. Do they have temp services out there? They can find you something fast. Really you need to get any job, save up some money, then relocate to the city and get a better job.


    I'm in a rut myself. I lost everything and I'm getting back on my feet. Be grateful both your parents are alive to help. Make a plan and get going.

  3. I'm sure the diet is affecting your attitude and mood somewhat. Since it's medically necessary you can't quit that. You can drink juice at the bar or water. They have juice to mix in the drinks so just ask for juice, but getting out is really important. Staying at home waiting around for her is making you look needy. She does see that you're getting a place soon. I don't think you look weak at all, probably just needy because you need social interaction. So get out there and meet people. Are you going to relocate to an area where you already know some people or do you plan to stay there? It might be easier if you move back to where you have connections.

  4. Looked into someone's eyes and had a supernatural experience?


    Last Friday I looked into a man's eyes and thought "we have something to do together".


    I'm not even sure if I know this guy. My other thought is he's calmer now. If it's the guy I think it is the first time I looked into his eyes I saw anger, now I see calm. I don't know for sure if it's the same guy but I wish I knew. If he is the same guy I haven't seen him in over a year. If he's not then why would I think this about a stranger?


    Really both guys are strangers to me only one I feel deeply in love with realizing my marriage was a lie and left (ultimately leading to the loss of my children, job, mental state, etc.) This caused a major mess in my life which I'm recovering from. Needless to say I'm now very single.


    So can anyone tell me, have they ever had such a experience when looking into someones eyes? What does this mean? Will I ever see this guy again? I mean if we do have something to do together (no idea what) odds are we'll meet again, right? He's truly a stranger on the street kind of thing. I was happy he was calm and wondered what he saw in my eyes (it was a long glance), then he checked me out and nothing more. It was at a bar (karaoke night). I don't really even know what he looked like (except he was wearing a baseball cap) and has dark brown eyes.

  5. i feel like shes carving my heart out of my chest.


    Yes you do still love her. What your wife doesn't realize is all relationships take work, and if you love each other it's worth the effort. Continue with marriage counseling. Focus on your marriage and not other people. Give her the attention she needs. It may feel like a lot to you but I read on marriage builders that when a marriage is in trouble he suggests 30 hours a week. To maintain is 15 hours a week (that is just couple time). So give her and not your computer the time. My ex was on the computer all the time and still is, our poor daughter is in his custody starved for attention like I was.

  6. If you can't talk with your parents, is there a counselor at school you can speak with? I'm sure that things have calmed down some you can talk with your mom. Perhaps call the hotline for yourself. Try to disengage from your ex boyfriend. He has to deal with his problems now, not through you. If you are overly concerned about him killing himself then get the authorities involved. He can be put in a mental hospital under a 72 hour hold. Try not to be concerned so much about others, you have needs too, and you need to be heard by your parents go to them and make sure they hear your cries for help.

  7. I always feel low after getting my hopes up about a job. I bet they thought you were overqualified. My job is real low stress (data entry) can you type? Have you met with a theapist or tried meds to help with your inability to cope with normal life? Maybe try applying without indicating your degrees. Go in like you were in highschool with no experience.

  8. A book that has really helped me is called Mind Power by John Kehoe. You can check out his website link removed It's about how our thoughts control our lives, and it's true they do, and ways to control our thoughts to obtain the life of our dreams.


    You have an attitude that needs adjusting. You're in a self-pity mode that is serving no one. My mom always tells me I need to volunteer, do something for someone else (I tend to fall into the self-pity mode myself). Who have you helped today? What have you given today? Change the you to I and ask yourself this question at the end of each day.


    So you in a job you dislike. What can you do to get a better paying job? Do you need to obtain a degree, if you have one what do you need to brush up on?


    As for a man here's a technique that works for me. I make a list of what it is I'm looking for in a guy, and eventually he appears to me. Be as specific as you'd like. Character traits, Education, Height, etc. It really works so be careful what you wish for, oh and always include love (mutual love, something to make sure you love each other).


    Remove killing yourself as an option. So you have to live, what is it you want to accomplish, how do you go about making it happen?

  9. IMO those are pretty loving actions. It's hard to want to cuddle with someone you dislike, think about it? On the other side of the coin some people are more touchy feely than others and well I'm not one so I don't really know how to end this thought. But you know they go around hugging everyone. Is he one of those types? Then I suppose he could be all loving towards you without feeling the love.

  10. Babies are always going to cost you more than you expect. It's easier to budget for them once they are here. You may not be successful at breastfeeding, I don't produce enough and have very sensative nipples (the pain was too much for me). Some things you just don't know until they're here.


    You'll buy toys, clothes and shoes often, and you can use washclothes instead of wipes. Rinse them in the toilet and then launder.


    Daycare is a huge expense, check around. Home run daycares are less expensive and IMO better for baby's. They'll bond with the caregiver and get more attention.

  11. Sorry didn't realize you lied to family. I usually spend birthdays with family. I just have a few good friends. I was pregnant on my 21st birthday. My ex and I did go out, I looked fat not pregnant, and yes I did drink, which was a mistake (I totally feel responsible for my son's behavoior problems). So it wasn't my dream birthday either. I wanted to go out partying with friends (legally), but most weren't 21 anyway.


    So what's your ideal birthday? Make it real. Plan it for today or next year. Don't count on someone else to plan it for you.

  12. Well it seems like he likes you, but he understands that relationships take focus and right now he's unwilling to go there. So you can either wait around for a very long time, or move on. If you really like him keep him as a friend but if you want a relationship than waiting is kind of out of the question. Not all of us are meant to be together.

  13. Well I'm doing this. I went N/C initially and was very happy *go figure* I have since started contact, mentioned frequently I wanted to reconsile, he's more hesitant but I know he still loves me. And well contact has continued but N/C gets the person missing you, whereas if you're still around in any form they don't have a chance to miss you. You have to do some contact to get the message accross than back off again. Let them know you're interested but give them space. As I heal I'm not sure if I want him back in my life, which probably happens to a lot of people.

  14. I was alone on my birthday for the first time last year. My family didn't even call to say Happy Birthday until the next day. I was really depressed. This year I'm going to dinner with my brother and his girlfriend (my birthday is Sunday) and seeing my daughter in the afternoon for ice cream.


    Call a friend, go out for a meal, see a movie. I'm looking forward to that movie Preminition wish it came out this weekend. Sounds like you made the most of your 21st birthday, do something great for yourself again!

  15. It was only a few minutes late, truth is they just didn't like me. I was the only salaried receptionist I've ever heard of (my dad said I should sue them for firing me and he used to work with that company). Anyway I'm just not a receptionist type. I need to get up and walk around every hour to keep the blood flowing (blood clotting disorder). And receptionists aren't suppose to leave their post. I quit my other job in finance and boy have I regretted it ever since.

  16. I personally feel that she got cancer because of her emotional state. When you are so negative about yourself and think everyone hates you, I think that takes a toll on your health.


    I agree with you. I know my Grandma had bone cancer but it's because she stayed in an abusive awful marriage. Her anger turned inward. Just like my mental state was because the mental stress hit overload. It's all how our body reacts to our thoughts/feelings.


    Anyway good luck with your divorce. You may have to pay allimony but you may not have been together long enough for her to claim that.

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