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Everything posted by Hodgie

  1. Is there really women out there that are nice and trust worthy i dont mean any offence but i am starting to doubt it
  2. Hello Yesturday i posted a topic call "is Forgiveness the right thing to do?" in this topic i told you about my Girlfriend who had cheated on me with her Ex and i forgave her because she said she was sorry and also due to the fact that i loved her very much and i would have done anything to keep her. I have a conclusion to this problem because what happened last night she finished with me just like thats she said i had changed and she has left me with nothing but i broken heart this may sound sad but its true. I didnt deserve this and i never asked for it it begs another question why do nice guys finish last?????? Also another question where do i go from here??????
  3. Hello Just took an interest in your post read through it and it seems as if you have everything you want Love, Friends. But whats missing on your part is feeling. I think the problem is you think to much all you seem to have done is keeping thinkin about why you have a problem and what you have is a problem and its taken over you life. I think you need to just enjoy things a bit more and stop thinking to much You have got feelings they just dont show and thats ok alot of people are the same just because you dont think it doesnt mean you dont love your parents. Things wont get better unless you make them better your life is in your hands because the only one that can help you with this is you.
  4. I know your right but sometimes the truth is hard to except. i dont like being single cause its a feelin like i am alone but is what i am doing now 2 higher price to pay
  5. But if you love someone its hard to let go and sometimes it must work out after someone cheats sometimes
  6. I think i understand what you mean and it makes sense but i dont know what i am feelin at the moment
  7. She was seeing her Ex after we got back together i thought everything was ok it was rocky at all and we only broke up once you may think oh he must not be paying her enough attention or something like that but this isnt the case i do my best to make her happy and she never has cause to complain as i said i am a nice guy and i do my best in this relationship. i dont know why she did it, but i know i didnt deserve it so as you can tell i dont know whats happened but i do love her and thats why i stay
  8. I didnt do anything wrong i do everything i can for her cause i do love her and thats why i forgave her as well.
  9. Me and my girlfriend started going out about 7 months ago, the relationship went on for about 2 months and it started to go down hill after another month we split up after a fight and i was gutted we were apart for 3 months it which timeshe met other people but i didnt because i missed her and i did hope we would get back together as we were still friends. So... about 1 month ago we talked and we got back together and it was really good everything was better until last week we had an argument and she admitted seeing her EX and cheating on me!! I am a nice guy and have a generally nice personality and i always try my best with the relationship and she said she was sorry and so i didnt get angry and i forgave her. but there is still those thoughts in the back of my head and stuff and i wonder did i do the right thing. can anyone help????
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