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Everything posted by Cosmo

  1. Did you want to share why that would even be an issue...or is this part of the just worrying over stuff thing? In regards to the true friends issue, I don't believe you will know until the time comes for your friends to be there for you. Time in this case plays a great role IMHO. On a separate note, a friend will bail you out of jail. A true friend will be in there with you saying, "Dude...we F'd up!" Heard that somewhere and thought I would share it Hoping you're ok, Cosmo
  2. Cosmo


    Well my young compadre...you might try open ended questions to get her to open up a bit ... if you will. For example...without sounding like you are trying to get her to talk, you might try some general questions like, "What do you think you will do later on in life? I mean, what kind of job would you find cool?" If she answers with just a short reply, like, "A doctor." Then try finding out why...perhaps give her some avenues of direction like, "Helping? Money? People? etc..." The WHY question is one of the best questions to get others to open up as long as you are not annoying about it. Why does this concern you so much that she doesn't talk? If you were to write a whole paragraph to answer it then you will understand what I mean hopefully Best of luck, Cosmo
  3. Aye...I would say you are in a bit of a jam if you really desire to be with him. He will most likely have doubts about you for a while dealing with other males/work...understandably. I am sure you can see why he does not want to be in your area. I am not sure why you don't want to be in his area though...regardless, I think the best you hit on was a somewhat neutral area. Sort of a fresh start for the two of you if you both are serious about making it work. Hope it works, Cosmo
  4. Thought I would say hello first before I posted here or replied to any posts. I only get the one post I guess from the message that popped up before I did this. Not sure how it all works...guess I will find out soon enough though. A little intro...and I know...it is not a dating service or personal forum...but I am a rather visual person (most likely why I have a hard time reading fiction at times) and I would imagine many others are as well ... I am male, 36, divorced with 2 little angels who stay with their mom, just over 6 feet, brw hair and eyes, some college with plenty of reading on the side love religious studies (not saying I am religious though), psychology, philosophy, and just about anything that deals with behavior and that gap between religion and science. Anyhow...I hope to seek and provide constructively.
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