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Everything posted by faiakeima

  1. well i have one small question that i just thought of... she's a big time christian being that she's teaching at a church... but i am a man of science... i am not one of those people who worships satan or burns crosses i just believe in darwin and such... so does anyone think we can still be in a relationship if we are on the opposite sides of the religion spectrum. btw i hope i dont affend anyone if i do im sorry.
  2. lol i agree about the pessimism cause all the girls so far have told me to keep trying. i guess the genders really do think differently about dating. oh well tomorrow when i see my friend ill ask her if she got out of teaching the munchkins and if she says no then ill ask her about friday and if she says no then i guess were back to being friends.
  3. by the way to "day walker" when i asked her to the dance she said yes and gave me a pretty nice hug and said some nice stuff so i know she is somewhat interested.
  4. no offense but won't that sound like i am coming off too pushy.
  5. do you mean that i should ask her to go out like on another day
  6. ok so i asked a girl to a dance on friday and today she said that her parents were going to make her babysit her cousins(due to her date before had dumped her so she told her parents that she was dateless and so they volunteered her for the job). later today i asked her if she would like to go see a movie or something on wednesday and she responded by saying that she had to be a student teacher at her church and that she would talk with her parents about trying to get out of church to go with me. we are good friends and this was going to be our first outing. so can anyone offer up their opinion . i trust her so.
  7. ok i got it as far as the bf gf thing goes. i decided that on monday ill ask her if she wants to go do something like see a movie or go to the local park. and also i am in a photography class and i have a project due soon and ill see if she will let me get a pic of her for private use. but anyways ill try to hint more to her than i love her and take her out. so thanks yall
  8. wow that is exactly what happened to me like my friend got dumped for homecoming and so i asked her to the dance and she said yes. anyways seriously everyone seems to make it seem so hard but screw what you ever knew and just take a dive and ask her. seriously i am a senior who is by far the most unpopular guy and i bagged a very very popular junior girl by just coming out and asking her. remember not to wait too long cause someone else might ask her. hopefully everything works out and all. so good luck.
  9. thanks everone for you kind words. but i have yet another question or two. first do i call her my gf already. two i am thinking about asking her out to dinner or something like a week before the dance, is this a good idea. yet again thank you guys for your help you see i am like the lowest guy on the popularity totem pole and she is like really high up there and this is my first relationship ever and so im like frikkin nervous as can be.
  10. Ok I recently built up the nerve to ask a girl(my really good friend) to a school dance which she said yes to. Later that day I saw her hugging some guy(only one). Of coarse it got me pretty ticked but she didnt know it. So really my question is should I be jealous. Oh and another question is if the dance goes well should I try to get her to go out with me cause I got her on the rebound after a guy decided not to go with her to the dance.
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