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Everything posted by Kbelles

  1. well, not all girls bleed their first time, and some dont bleed at all. personally, i didnt bleed the first time, but oddly enough, i bled the second time. also, it may have something to do with the sexual position you two used. some positions allow the penis deeper access to the vagina while others not so much. if you were in one of these not-so-deeper positions then you may not have broken her hymen (if she lied to you and was still a virgin). but remember, EVERY GIRL IS DIFFERENT......
  2. well, if you want to make it better, the best thing you can do is ask your boyfriend. he would be the best person to answer that question. sex is like anything in life. you get better at it with practice, research, and repetition. if its his first time as well, then you two obviously have something in common and being able to talk to him will definitely bring you guys closer. just be yourself and dont forget your own needs. dont let yourself get so caught up in trying to make it spectacular for him that you dont get any fulfillment out of it. but i will say this: if you're looking to add something to change up the pace then experiment with some oral sex (always use protection: dental dams, condoms) or no sex at all. practice holding each other and getting to know your new sexual selves....good luck
  3. from what i hear, anal sex feels not different than regular vaginal sex and that it is a lie perpetuated by men in order to get us to consent to doing it. Honestly, i think that men like anal sex because they want to violate you in the worst way possible. when i say "violate" i dont mean take advantage of. rather, i mean to take control or domination of. because one's anus is a very private and taboo area, it arouses the curiosity of men. men like anal sex for the same reason that they like women to swallow. they feel like you are accepting a part of them into you and for that nanosecond or so, they have complete control. also, i just wanted to say, that no harm can come to you during anal sex as long as you take precautions to use LOTS of lubrication, go slowly, and totally be into it.
  4. i love it...its great when a guy takes control. girls dont say it very much but sometimes we all just want to play the little girl and be dominated. not anything that gets out of hand, but just enough to where we dont have to control every waking moment. hair pulling: good. pinning down wrists: good. getting thrown on the bed: good. leaving bruises get my drift?
  5. hey, i saw ur post and i dont know if you're still wrestling with the issue but i just want to let you know its not just you. i am nineteen and just lost my virginity this year. the guy i lost it to was not my bf but rather an acquaintance. oddly enough, the first time we had sex (my first time) it was fantastic and i felt great about it but then the second and third times were tough for me afterwards. after it was over and he left, i would get on the phone w/ my best friend and cry my eyes out. then, like a day or two later i would be ok. weird, i know. i think for me, it was because i was always taught to value myself and who i give my body to and to make sure that i love the person. as you know, this was not the case. i mean, i very much value my body but i did not love him and he did not love me. and i think i felt guilty for NOT loving him. dont get me wrong, he was a nice guy and all but not "love" material, u kno? so that may be what is bothering you. its possible that you may love the guy but not truly be in love with him. if so there is nothing wrong with that. just make sure you love yourself before anybody else
  6. well, personally, the guy i lost it to wasnt someone i loved but i dont regret it, It was great! He was my ex-best friend's brother! after high school, she and i had stopped speaking and i hadent spoken to her or her brother in almost three years. so one day i got up enough nerve to give him a call and see how he was doing (he and i had always been cool towards each other). come to find out he was attending a college that was like a quarter mile away from my apartment. so we met up to hang out and were in my room watching tv when he made a move. i knew he had a rep for being a player but i didnt even care. i knew he wasnt the right person for me but it felt right at the time. once before, i had the right guy but our timing was horrible so it never happened and it was just ironic that in this case the guy was completely wrong but the timing couldnt have been more perfect to lose my virginity. im 19 and hes 18. we still see each other from time to time. there is no love involved but we still enjoy each other. at first i felt guilty because if my ex-friend ever found out she would be really hurt but then i say to myself that he and i are both adults and can think for ourselves. so, point of the story, dont let anyone tell you who or when is the right time for you. its just something that has to feel right....
  7. I think friends with benefits can work out. A few months ago, I started sleeping with my ex-best friends's brother. There always had been an attraction between us and So far, we've managed to maintain a 'friends with benefits' relationship. and it helps that we have a little (but not too much) backround on each other so that we dont feel too weird. I think the key in making 'friends with benefits' successful is not getting to know the other person TOO much. The more you know someone (their hopes, their fears, their ambitions), the greater potential there is of liking them. YOU DON'T WANT THIS. As long as you can do the basic stuff (laugh, joke, talk about protection, and what turns you on) then thas all you need to know...
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