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  1. I posted on the 18th Back Friends after a year, whats next? Not really sure what to do. Had a talk on the phone yesterday and i explained my feelings and she did as well but was a little hesitate. She explained to me the the reason that the only thing she could give me right was she was confused. I asked about what she explained that she did want to hurt me, make a mistake or complicate thing like we both have in the past. Then says since we weren't "dating offically" then we should not say "i love u" , etc... and that we talked too much and she feels that she has to call and tell me b 4 she does anything. I asked for clarification and she said that she didnt want to date anyone else, see anyone else and she wanted to give "us" another chance but the only thing she can offer now if friendship. I guess i made it a little hard cuz since christmas i have kinda treated her like my girl. After hearing this i decided this treatment would stop. Am i right or wrong? What should i freakin do if this goes on like this for long me hair will either be gray or gone. Please Help! thanx burnmyfire
  2. Thats the thing she did say that she wanted a relationship with me again, but she thought that it wouldnt be good if we rushed it. Im not sure it not like im desperate but i think we would both like that but sometimes im unsure, is there anyway we could talk about it without jinksing it or is time what we need and if so what should be the limititations? thanx for your reply iceman burnmyfire
  3. Looking for some advice. I dated this wonderful girl for almost four years, have known her for 5 + years, a great girl. We parted ways in the fall of 03 after months of arguing and bickering. I think the main problem was she was depressed from being unemployed and a few health problems. I didn't speak to her for 9 months except once. In August of 04 she called the day before my birthday and left a message. I blew it off and then she called again on my b day and wished me a happy one and asked if she could see me. I said yes. Then we hung out for months. I went to the beach for a week and came back and expected to hang out like before but she blew me off. Now since thanksgiving we talk everyday go out and have great fun but it usually stays at that. I asked her the other day what were the chances of us getting back together. Because I won't lie this girl is the best and I love her dearly, love her family and vise versa. Her reply was "Let's just don't rush it and see where it leads". What do I do? I'm so confused. She says she loves me a lot but not like it was before and it seems kinda weird to her, and she says that there is no one else and if there were she would tell me. I need an answer because I'm at a point in my life that I can't wait long, because I'm getting older and have turned down a few dates for her cuz I love her and want to see it work. I need a word of advice or something I can say. Please help me. Thanx burnmyfire
  4. An Ex girlfriend I have recently called me up and we hung out for a bit, she has a bf and has for a month or so now. I am currently single and having a good time but looking for more, the question I have is shall I trust her fixing me up with acquaintance of hers? I have met her a couple of times but I need to know anyone has had this happen or would do it in the first place? I asked my ex and she says she "Just wants me to be happy". What to do, anyone have any suggestions?
  5. The one she dumped me for was not her type in my eyes and she says that is was an excuse for her to get out of what she had with me (scapegoat) Her newest ex, theyt dated for six weeks and found out he was going out with her roommate behind her back or she says. Not sure whats happening.
  6. I posted on August 19 "Ex girl called after 5 months > need some advice Please HELP" since then we have been hanging out and spending a lot of time together. I usually 9 out of 10 times let her call me and that makes me feel good, makes me feel that she cares. I still can't read her the way I use to, we both have changed and now both hang out with different people. I tried the surprise kiss and got rejected the first time then again a week or two later and caught her by surprise and it turned out ok. She said that we not need do that. I asked why and she replied "We are working on being friends again, I don't want to rush". Then just a few days later I she hit me with a surprise smooch, big hug that said that she never stopped loving me. The thing is how can I trust her, is it ok to trust her? She calls me every day two or three times just to chit chat and talk about her and my day at work. Just last night she says that she loves me again and wants to take things slow because "We went from nothing to this" Yea one day she completely dumps me (last November) don't hear from her till Feb. just for her to curse me then not until my b-day on August 8. She explained the reason for her dumping me for another guy was she was scared of me marring her and pushed me away (but in a bad way). Just the other day she asked if I would take her to Gaffney, Sc to marry her right now (seriously) I say "No Dawn, I don't think you are ready, neither am I. I'm just confused and need a little help. If some one can please this is a great women and I would love to be with her. PLEASE HELP!!
  7. This started more than four years ago. A girl I met a great girl where I worked part time. Dawn is a great girl; family loved me and so did mine. We dated for two years have the time of our lives. I graduated and got a great job making good money, then I began to spoil her, and she loved it. Then things kinda went bad, she lost her job and she found out that she had endometriosis and she started having pains, migraines, and being very depressed. From this came mood swings, arguing daily, and tension to the max. But the nice guy I was understood and was supportive throughout. Then one day while picking around she got really defensive and through a ring and me and bolted out the door. I spoke with her later that night and said she wasn't happy and wanted to end it after over 3 years of loving each other. I took it really hard, and so did she. Up until this point we were so in love and pretty much lived together and were even talking marriage. I had looked and was a month or so away from getting her a ring when she dumped me. I was devastated. This went down last November and just last week after not hearing from her for months she called to wish me a happy birthday. She said sorry for and hour and then wanted to see me. After seeing her, talking to her, crying and reminiscing with her for hours she said that she never stopped loving me and would always love me. Talked to her last night and asked her the question "Will we ever date again". Then she says "there has been too much stuff and time that has passed by since November" It will never work. Not what I wanted to hear. She has no BF and not many friends is still a little depressed and has been done wrong in the past by many people, but never me, I treated her like the queen she is and still do even though we don't date but she is loved like she never left. I just need a little advice on this one cuz im lost. Please some one. Thanx jg
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