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Everything posted by 56617106

  1. what i think you should is... TELL HER! If it is all nice and clean when you are with her and you know she said this about you, TELL HER! you do not want to live on with the rest of your life thinking of how it "might've" happened. so the best to do is to watch for signs of her maybe liking you and then tell her.
  2. I agree with the person before me, do not procrastinate with what could easily in the future be something beautiful.
  3. My ex broke things off with me and since then, I've been talking to two wonderful people and they have been the best. I'm not thinking about my ex anymore whom I still "love" and it has been so far ok. I'm not looking to get in a relationship right now but these guys are just putting in my face what I could probably be missing out there. so should I...?
  4. Ok, he can't think of anything that he likes about her. for him to really like her, he first has to know what he likes about her. ask him to really think of what made him like her and what is still clinging him to her. When he realizes that he cannot think of anything, he will forget about her. It also maybe has something ti di with him being totally attracted to her PHYSICALLY, thats a problem and not enough of a reason to like someone and expect it to lead to love. Peace
  5. I think that you guys should start over, but not the way regular fresh couples start over. Go out and take it slow, let her bring the relationship up. be cool about itand she'll come around and everything happens for a reason, maybe this was to strenghten a weak part of the relationship.
  6. you think that that is a risk i should without a doubt take. thank you so much.
  7. but he did say that he does not want to get back with her at all because of something she did. I love him so much and i really dont want to risk losing him. is this a risk i should take? thank you for reading and answering.
  8. my boyfriend had a girlfriend for about 2 years and they broke up. Not a day later, we started talking serious. four months later, he tells me that he never gave himself time to get over his ex and now i dont know what to do. he said that he is not in love with me but with his ex, but listen to this: he does not want to break up with me because he does not want to be with his ex and sees "potential" with me. i want a break but dont want to lose him forever, but i also can't wake up crying and go to sleep crying because i am madly in love with him. i think i should give him the break but i don't want him talking to her. Am I wasting my time because of him being in love with another woman or is it my fault for not giving him time to get over his ex. i need help NOW!!![/code]
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