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Everything posted by dias

  1. Yeah, patronizing is not exactly the right word but you got it. Thing is, males have way more ego than women. For a man, the act of asking for help is subliminally translated into “I am lesser than the other person”. How many male coworkers ask for help compared to female coworkers in your workplace? Why men don’t like therapists? You know, it’s difficult to grasp it if you are not a man. What insecurities are for women, ego is for men (same difference in the end though). This comes from a guy with a huge ego and believe me, asking for help sucks big time. Everything that hurts your ego sucks big big time. Now, as you so accurately put it hormones are liars. Ego as well! That’s why letting go of ego is necessary for success. Controlling you instincts/emotions and thinking logically is the way to go. Of course it’s easier said than done as always!
  2. That was funny haha. Although my take is different here. The guy was scared of your qualifications, that's an inferiority complex. Secondly, your are a woman and most guys have a difficulty accepting that a woman can be more competent than they are. Especially uneducated guys or guys with low self esteem. If you think about it mentoring is patronizing in a way because you accept subconsciously that somebody is better than you. As for the car and the cliff, well, if by cliff you mean the period when things are about to get serious then I am telling you that no man in this world wants to lose his "freedom". Why would he want that in the first place?
  3. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Entertaining. Kaya Scodelario is really cute. England and Brazil give a good blend!
  4. A sign in the street saying "Don't do drugs, there are not enough for everyone".
  5. I do sigh when it's mentioned but I don't refuse it. hehe. Besides, this is why they like us!
  6. The Ottoman Lieutenant. Good enough.
  7. He has good taste .... in music! Romanians know how to choose girls for their music videos! [video=youtube;4ZKyfmtM8RQ] ]
  8. (girl)What is your zodiac sign? (me)Sagittarius (girl)I hate Sagittarius. They are unstable, crazy and they are afraid of commitment. (me) Sigh Man, I can't count how many times this has been mentioned in conversations. At least I have something to blame for my weaknesses hehe.
  9. It is one of my favorite movies. Hilarious indeed.
  10. A compliment could be perceived as something very enjoyable or something very irritating. It depends on the way you say it, the time and of course who says it. By the way, skirts do create problems haha
  11. Yes it is! Though I think it's a bit pricey. I bet it cost the owner about 6-7 millions, not 15.
  12. . This house is in my neighborhood. I have 10K. I only need another 15,724,266 millions. Eh, pittance ...
  13. I knew that birth control pills have some negative effects. It's common sense.
  14. You were very cute. I am sure you have a good amount of Irish/English/Italian blood. What's your descent?
  15. Hot Fuzz was the best by far! I can watch it 1000 times and still laugh!
  16. Constantinople. My ancestry from my mother's side..... Definitely a destination in the future.
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