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Posts posted by melancholy123

  1. My dad worked all 3 shifts when i was a kid, in fact all of my life.  It was hard  when a kid, and my mother ran the horse like a drill sergeant, you didnt dare make anywise and wake up dad.  As a little kid I didnt really understand and I tried to be quiet.

    Your wife is being so selfish.  She should try your schedule and see how she likes it.  She should do her best to keep the kids quiet, as hard as the is, and not purposely be makilng noise.

    Do you think she wants you too quit your job and get a day job?

  2. I wonder if he wants out so that's why he freaked out at your hesitation to his question.  

    If you fight that much then why do you carry on with this relationship?  I'd be gone.

    I can truthfully say my husband and I have had one argument in the over 30 yrs we have been married.  I dont get people who argue and fight regularly who stay together and keep doing the same thing.

    • Like 1
  3. 48 minutes ago, Gb8383 said:

    Meddler is fair. I just thought she had the right to see messages proving that while she thought her hubs was just hanging out with their son (and they’re still playing happy married family), he was actually taking the child to some other mistress’s party!

    Maybe she is as bad as he is!  Maybe she's got a boyfriend.  It's not your job to be an informant.

  4. 51 minutes ago, Guest Anonymous said:

    Hello.  We started living together 6 mos ago. He pays for everything as I got laid off my job.  I'm looking for other employment but there are lots of responsibilities at home. My credit card is maxed out but I do have some savings. I used my card to buy things for the 🏠 and our dog.

    I do all the housework, grocery shopping, cooking.  Isn't that enough?  I make him especially nice dinners, like his favorites, when he has a bad day at the office


    You should have clarified that you didnt have a job in your first post.

    • Like 1
  5. What makes you so special that you should not be on an equal footing with this bf of yours?  You should be working on a half and half financial plan and pay your fair share.  Did you not discuss money and how to handle bills and expenses?  Doing laundry is not doing half of the family chores.

    Assuming you have a job, you should buy dinner one time, he buys it the next time.  He is not the cheapskate!  You are.

    • Like 1
  6. I have 2 kids almost 5 yrs apart.  The first one was easy, a real joy, and not difficult in any way.  Baby 2 was 3 weeks early and had colic from Day One.  Crying, screaming, fussy, and honestly really annoying al  lot of the time.  I often said if he was first born he'd have been last born as I would not want to go thru that a second time.  They are now adults and he is actually the more delightful of the 2!  So you never know how it will be.

    I wasn't sick either time, so have no comments on that.

    I always felt a person would have 2 kids if they can, so there isn't an only child.  I have cousins who are only children and they are spoiled rotten and feel entitled to whatever they want.


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  7. Is it really constant comments or now and again?  My husband sometimes will say someone lady on tv looks pretty or has nice hair or whatever and I dont care.  It shows me he's alive and his eyes are working!  

    I think it comes down to context, how the guy says it and what you think he means when he says it.  A casual comment is no big deal.  Drooling over himself at a pretty face is too much!

    Again, have you talked to him about this since it seems to be bothering you.

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  8. Why by a cow when you can get the milk for free?

    This guy is a mooch and you are an enabler, It's that simple.  He's taking advantage of you because you let him.

    I doubt he's looking for a job, he could get a job at McDonalds or similar at the very least.  He needs help for his mental health.

    Time to stop being his mommy and tell him he's moving out in X weeks if he doesn't get some kind of job, and be firm when the time frame is up.  You can do better.  This is not love.


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