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  1. yeah, you should pay attention to and care about what she says and does, but keep in mind "totally disagreeing" with some of the stuff on here means you're just denying what girls are thinking, we're just explaining it flat out.
  2. and if you do end up going with her, then if there is one, a good place to talk is the ferris wheel....
  3. As a girl, I'd much rather get asked out in person, or even on the phone. Online is ok too, but it's more meaningful and exciting if we get to actually hear you say it. It's the whole thing about hearing it with girls, same reason why you should tell a girl you love her even though you've already shown her.
  4. I agree with everything on here, basically girls like to hear the stuff, flat out. It's like someone showing you something awesome in a store instead of telling them you're going to buy it for them. With guys, they're more physical people, and it's easier to understand what love really is if they can get something physical into it.
  5. Just hang out with her a lot, and figure out what exactly she thinks of you. When it comes time to tell her, just take it slowly and don't freak out if she just wants to stay friends. Keep in mind that since she's just broken up, then she's probably not quite ready for another relationship. Anyway, good luck! P.S. that firework and light show at Epcot? That's called Fantasmic.
  6. You should subtly let her know, because a lot of times girls that you hang out with a whole lot just don't think of you like that. Other than that, what woobiegirl said is about all that you can get out of a situation like this. But when I've found out that guys have liked me, I've been really dissappointed that I didn't know then.
  7. Well, it sort of looks like SHE just ended with I love you, and you didn't respond to it a whole lot. If you don't say that you love her back, to her it seems kind of pointless to say it if you don't love her back. She may have just given up on you, and decided to move on. But that doesn't mean she doesn't like you, she just doesn't know that you like her. If she knows, she will most likely become even more drawn to you.
  8. It may feel like love, but that's just because you haven't actually experienced al lthat much. Enjoy it as much as you can, though, because your experience now will help you a heck of a lot in the future. Go for it, and even if it doesn't turn out well you'll definitely learn from it.
  9. If you really love her that much, then you should respect the decision that her parents have made, because if you plan on having any future with her, then you are going to have to be on her parents' good side. I have had this whole "16 problem" as well, before I was 16, and dating (er...trying) without letting my parents know was a nightmare. Just give it time, and if you can't wait, then she's not your "true love".
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