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Posts posted by hurtbylove

  1. Take it step by step.


    It's never a good mentality to have that you are just trying to get in her pants. I would venture to say that a majority of girls would see right through that.


    Are you looking for a meaningful existence with another person?


    Do you think you are ready to be there for someone, through thick and thin, even when she is PMSing?


    I can tell you I never expected the amount of commitment and work relationships take. Don't take it lightly.

  2. I wouldn't use that alone as proof she is cheating on you.


    Unless there are other signs, gut feeling, troubles in the relationship I wouldn't think too much of it.


    It is kind of embarrassing to walk around with wet pants in that area though isn't it?

  3. Honestly there are much better things to worry about.


    If she is scared of your penis do you think she is worth being with?


    Of course I am cut, didn't really have a choice, my parents made it for me.


    I think you do lose some sensation from the constant rubbing etc when you are cut.


    Concentrate more on your relationships, communication, emotions than what you look like.

  4. I would like to think by the time it gets to that point the girl wants it enough to not have it be the issue.


    Hopefully the girl likes you for who you are and not what your penis looks like?


    I would hate to be in a situation like that, the clothes start coming off and then she sees your penis and says "I don't do that".

  5. I am right there with you.


    I've been having a relapse of recovery recently. You really have to just keep busy as possible to keep him out of your mind.


    I'm sorry you are going through so much pain..


    I miss my ex like crazy too and want her back..


    But somehow I know contact always hurts me more and delays me from really moving on

  6. Hot girls are nice to look at, but I really like cute girls.


    They just seem more genuine and friendly.


    I don't want to be with someone who thinks and knows they are so attractive that they can drop me and find someone else immediately.


    Cute girls drive me crazy


    I can't stop smiling around them and just start giggling like an idiot.

  7. I'm sorry but honestly it sounds like a really bad situation you have on your hands.


    How long have you known your wife for?


    She won't outwardly say that she still likes/loves her ex because that would immediately make her the "bad guy". But all the signs you gave are pretty obvious.


    The lack of intimacy.

    The lying behind your back about who he is.

    Her running to him with problems


    I believe that you love her but you don't deserve to be treated like this.


    Confrontation with her or him will likely result in denials, accusations of not trusting her. It'll be ugly, she'll never openly admit it.


    You don't deserve this happening to you.

  8. I think it's the places that are familiar hurt the most.


    I spent all of my time with her in my apartment and she slept over and pretty much was living at my place.


    When she left it hurt so bad to sleep in the same bed, everything the same... except she was no longer in my life.


    It's the familiarity that we all miss and wish we could have back ( for a while at least). It is true that new memories are made, but we can't ever forget the old ones.

  9. Um I think that everything should be going peachy. Just because she didn't call once.. maybe you should ask her about it but I wouldn't think too much about it.


    Just as long as she is willing to still spend time with you, I think is a better sign.

  10. I'm not good at judging prose, but I really feel like I understand where you are coming from with the words.


    I still can't look at her without feeling so much pain. I love her from the bottom of my blackened and charred heart.

  11. Not to be negative but sometimes people can change quickly. Words mean so little. My exgf said she wanted a long term relationship too and ended up breaking up with me some months down the road.


    Actions speak much louder. That's the problem with relationships, nothing is ever set in stone, ever. All you can do is trust.

  12. I think to some extent those feelings will always remain and never go away.


    It could mean for bad possibilities in the future too. I've thought about this before. What if I was in a new relationship and for whatever reason my ex-gf came back. My feelings for her are still there on some level. I was really hurt when she left.


    Would I be strong enough to say no and move on?


    I went through breakup a couple months ago. It used to be my every thought in my mind. Now it's maybe every 5th thought. I still miss her dearly and also wish to know "what I did wrong". I don't think I'll ever get a straight answer.


    I haven't contacted her since and that helped me a lot.


    Guess the only help I can offer is that you are not alone in your feelings. I think they will always be there.

  13. I don't know, it's up to you how comfortable you feel about it.


    If it were me, I would have to say no to her moving in. It would hurt so much to see her with other guys, having fun without you and other things.


    It's possible that it would bring you closer to her but I think it's a small chance.


    Be aware of the possibility of being used also. Since you are so close to her she may try to talk to you about her problems, guys, work whatever. All while not in the context of a relationship or commitment from her. Don't get taken for a free ride.

  14. wow, that is great that you are spending time to help him get out and do stuff more.


    I think it's a rare girl that would do that for a guy, most would probably see him as a loser and just move on for a more exciting dude.


    Just spend more time with him and he will gain confidence in himself.


    You sound like a great girl.


    I sit around looking at a computer screen, but not really by choice. If I had a girl I would be with her instead but she left me.


    Time to go turn my life around 8)

  15. Well.. it would be kind of hard for a woman to put all her cards on the table and just slap the shy guy and say: "Look, I like you, let's go out".


    I think a lot of women have to deal with the possible rejection/fear that goes along with it too.


    Also, I think a lot of shy guys really just need to suck it up and take initiative. I think my ex-gf gave me a chance, but I never took up the role of leading the relationship. I was too passive and never quite knew what to do.


    I was her 3rd boyfriend and she was my first. I don't feel like she really told me the reason why she left me but I'm starting to think that it was because she got tired of being the one in control.

  16. My ex gf broke up with me, we only went out for a couple months though.


    We had sex, she was my first and I ended up getting really attached to her.


    I'm still having trouble functioning without her and it's been a couple months since she left.

  17. I am a shy guy, but sometimes I work up the confidence to talk to the girl that I like.


    I am really vague when it comes to letting them know I like them, like I sort of flirt, but I fear rejection quite a bit also.


    In my first (ended) relationship, I initiated the contact and she started pursuing me. She understood that I was shy, and thought it was cute for a while.


    Once I'm comfortable with them though, I can really act like myself.


    But of course I wouldn't reject the girl if she came up to me and asked me out, that's what I would be hoping for!


    I tend to be cautious about expressing how I feel unless I KNOW that the other person feels the same way. I try to let my actions convey my feelings, but I have a hard time saying to someone that I like them.

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