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Everything posted by Iwonder

  1. k guys tonight after we had coffie i told her how i felt and she said she liked me alot, but things are goin to fast and she said she has made mistakes in the past by doin that. is she just making an exucese, but idk i am a male any help on wat just happened would be good
  2. so wat should i say cus i need to say somthin
  3. For the last 2 month i have been talking to this girl and for the last month we have hung out everyweekend. we usualy talk on the phone everyday for like 1 hour ( i am the that calls most of the time). She always tells me to sit next to her in class but we always get separated cuse we talk so much . It seems like she is interested but she is very shy in that she dosent know how to react to body contact so i have no clue. today at school i put my arm around her as we walked down the hall and her face turnned blood red, is this good or bad, any way tomarow after school we are hangging out and i am goint to ask how she feels about me cause i cant wait anymore and it is driving my crazy. any advice on wat is goin on. thanks
  4. Iwonder


    ok 2 weeks ago i meet this girl who just moved heare. for the past week she has been calling me all the time and she dumped her boyfriend so that she could go to homcoming with me. she has been flirting with me like crazy, everything was fine until 2 days ago. she didnt call all day and avoided me in the halls at school and would not talk to me online. I asked her if somthing is botheriing her and she said no, but i know that somthing is. I want to date her but i am so confused about what is going on. thanxs Nick
  5. get a grip you are only 15 what is SO.. bad about it u are only 15 u know nothin of life if u want to kill yourself
  6. just keep talkin to her u have tell her how you feel or she my find somoneelse. just tell her that you relly like her and that mybe you and her could be togather next year. trust me I was a super shy guy and I worked up all my courage and asked her out now she is the best thing that everhappened to me.
  7. OK hear is the story. I dated a girl for almost 4 years she was the only one for me then she moved to Germany and well you know how those so called "long distance relationship" to make a long story short i never heard from her agin. So this asking out girls is sortta hard. cuse i have been single for over a year In my last class of the day their is this girl tha sits a couple desks over I talk to her a little every now and then i help her with her work sometimes and we share a lot of interests. I dont like to jump right into a relationships like a lot of other pepole at my school it seems like they go through like 5 a week . i like them to last u know. anyway the only draw backs are i dont know if she has a B/F or is she feels the same way about me. one thing i notice about her is that she is not really interested in me. should i just talk to her more and get to know her more before i do anything else. Thanx.
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