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  1. read the labels of deodorants/antiperspirants and try the ones that are aluminum-free. deodorants like secret have aluminum zirconium or some other stuff like it. the ones that are aluminum-free might work better for you.
  2. i see that you've moved on, good for you! enjoy life and take care!
  3. hey trueheart...you gave me advice once about my boyfriend's ex.. thanks for that, it helped a lot. i posted a reply for you there, you can check it out if you have time. i thought u mentioned once that your XBF had a girlfriend... what happened to her if u don't mind my asking? veronica_s
  4. guys, your responses are surprising... it's good to know that there are in fact a few good men out there, a girl is just lucky if she could find one for keeps. i also do agree that it all depends on the person, whether that person is a guy/girl/bi/hetero...etc., it all boils down to whether that person is trustworthy or not.... hmmm, anyone else?
  5. do ALL guys cheat..... eventually? no matter how exciting, faithful and loving their relationships start out as?
  6. thanks kuhl, woobie, and true for your insights on my dilemma. i had a talk with my BF and told him the truth about how i felt. he said he'd talk to her and help her understand that they can't do the things they used to anymore since i'm already in his life right now. he didn't want me to accept calls and respond to my ex's messages either. so she called, as expected, and he tried to talk to her.... accdg. to him, she changed the subject a few times and she got ticked off by the fact that i was in the loop the whole time. their conversation was cut off and she hasn't called since, not that i know of anyway. but i trust that he'll tell me when she does. i guess that's all i can do, TRUST. and if my trust does get broken, i'll figure out what to do then. in the meantime, my instincts tell me that he does value me as his girlfriend because he SHOWS ME he does. TRUEHEART, i've read your posts and it widened my perspective about your situation a bit more. these are my thoughts... if somebody really loves you, he ACTS and SHOWS YOU that he DOES. he doesn't make you the third-wheel and nobody has to give him an ultimatum so that he could be with you. if he doesn't show you through his actions that he loves you, then don't believe him if he merely says it through his words and intentions. if he doesn't really love you then move on, cross your fingers, and hope that somebody will, someday. don't give up, that's the most important thing. easy for me to say? no it isn't and it hasn't been. i went through a particularly rough relationship in the past. my ex and i were going steady for 5 years until he got his officemate pregnant. turns out they've been going on and off for 2 years while we were together. it hurt me terribly and we broke up. i could certainly say i've had my share of lessons but i never gave up on love. now, i'm with somebody comparably more wonderful, more giving, more affectionate, more everything. i've asked myself should i trust him blindly? i thought about it a lot and i said no, i should trust him implicitly. trusting blindly means being unaware of the risks while hopping from one rainbow to another on cloud 9. trusting implicitly means being aware of the risks and working at each potential problem as they come. TOGETHER. lastly and i have to say, TRUEHEART, i'd really hate to be your Ex's girlfriend in your situation right now. the truth hurts but it hurts more if you don't know it. i hope you'll see your situation as it really is, and hopefully make a wise decision based on what you see. Good Luck!
  7. She broke up with him 3 years ago and since then she's been married and separated. They've remained good friends and they've kept in touch through the years. My boyfriend hasn't been going out with anyone seriously until i came along. I've observed that as our relationship progressed her phone calls and messages got more frequent. She's been telling him she misses him and she even wants to hang out with us. My guy tells me everything, i appreciate it and i understand that they're good friends. But she just gets on my nerves! Advice anyone?
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