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Everything posted by asia604

  1. thanks for your confidence in us outlaw. I just don' feel worthy of anyone's love anymore. I know you are right and we deserve better, and I keep telling myself that, but I have yet to believe it and convince myself. A year is a long time, and for us to share so many dreams for our life together, that is something that cannot be forgotten easily. And for him to cheat just 2 weeks after our one year anniversary doesn't make any sense. can anyone explain to me as to why guys (and women) cheat, because I could never cheat on anyone. I know I sound goody goody, but to me cheating is a sin.
  2. wow this is like looking into a mirror, aside from the age thing, because my ex and I are both 22. his ex cheated on him too, and he continously promised that he would never cheat on me or leave me. Its going on 3 weeks now and I am beginning to wonder that he will not write back, or even worse he is dating someone else, because that would kill me if he did. You don't sound crazy. because I hope that he will contact me and tell me that he made a huge mistake. I tried to move on with other guys, but I just can't stop thinking about him, my heart is still with him. I am like you, I know its over, but I am still expecting him to come back. I have had a few guy friends taht are wanting to help me, but they have told me that they want to pursue something more, which I am not ready for yet. and I have told them that, but I am not sure if they understand. I know kipster is great. I just hope there are more guys like him out there. Lisaria, this is helping, just knowing that you are going through the exact same thing as I am is helping me alot. I know I can get past this, but its so hard, and am just wondering when this bad dream will end.
  3. any advice anyone else can give me! kipster help!
  4. I have tried to concentrrate on someonelse, but he just wanted one thing, and since he couldn't get it, I never spoke or saw him again. I have tried to move on and focus on friends, family and work, but it hasn't changed anything, or made things better, I still feel like crap and useless. at this point I can't see life without him.
  5. its ok outlaw, I am welcoming everyone's advice on this subject. I am not sure if the is really worth this anguish but I do love him and can't imagine my life without him. What makes him so special is that he is my first true love, and I have never had a relationship that has lasted this long, normally most of them lasted only a few months, plus I have never shared any dreams with these, guys, like I did with my ex. We dreamed of our life together, getting married, our wedding, our house, our kids, etc. I wish there are guys like kipster out there, maybe I am not looking hard enough..... Does this answer your questions? if you or anyone else has any advice please free to pass it this way!
  6. in my opinion, and from experience, it is guys that break things off, once they have gotten you in bed, and have gotten what they want, they break things off and are gone.
  7. I hope you are right kipster, I pray to god that he is thinkg about me and the letter I sent. [-o
  8. I hope its normal kipster, because it doesn't feel like it, when I did think about myself and my happiness, my ex made it sound like I was being selfish, after that I think I am afraid to be happy again, thinking something bad and horrible is around the corner. is this normal? or am I going insane? I feel so nervous, and I don't know why.
  9. thanks kipster, last night I had a dream that we were snuggling, and I had my head buried in his chest, like always lovingly did, and then I woke up in the middle of the night and just burst into tears, I don't know what to do, I feel like my life is so out of control and is revolved around him.
  10. help, its been 2 weeks, I don't think I can go on much longer, waiting in suspense, does he want me back or not! help! panicking getting worse.
  11. Thanks Tyler That was great advice, so your ex got married and she is still thinking of you? There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about my ex. I sent him a letter a week and half ago, not sure if he will reply back. I did the mass email thing like you did, but I got one reply back, stating that he wanted to be removed from the list, yet his ex gf (the one who he cheated on me with) did the exact samething, she was nortorious at sending out emails weekly, and he never complained then. How long do you think it will take for him to contact me, I have tried to move on, I joined the gym and lost some weight, tried to rediscover myself as I was so involved in the relationship, he was all I thought of, I never thought about myself when were together. I have thought about going back to school, not sure yet. I need all the advice I can get. You and kipster are one of the few that don't suck!
  12. how long did you have to wait before your ex contacted you? I am running on a week and a half and am beginning to wonder if he just threw my letter out and is not going to bother contacting at all.
  13. A week seems like a year, how do you do it kipster? wow 2 months, you are a hero, I am suffering with a week. Devising strategies? like what? I am trying to be patient, but I am also wondering if he just read my letter and chucked it out.
  14. gasp! its been a week since I mailed the note telling my ex that I want him back and there is no reply! he must have gotten the letter by now, what if he doesn't write back and ignores my letter? Help! trying not to panick.
  15. yeah I guess you are right, just let it go through its course, right?
  16. yeah I guess you are right. How about a month?
  17. I hope you are right kipster, I will give it at least a week, if I haven't heard from him then I will know its not meant to be, but the trouble is how do you move on after being rejected twice?
  18. thank you kipster! I have no choice but to wait for his reply, patience is not one of my traits! Frankly I am quite scared, what if he doesn't want to have anything to do with me?
  19. I really hope so Kipster, I am keeping my fingers crossed, in my heart I know he is the one for me, I have even tried to move on and date other guys but my heart was just not in it. I hope I did the right thing. I will let you guys know if he calls me back. P.S I really need your support during this time.
  20. well kipster, I took the plunge and sent him a nice letter, explaining that I have come to terms with what he did and want to work things out and hopefully get back together, the ball is in his court now. Do you think I did the right thing? Any suggestions, anyone?
  21. help! its been five months and lately I find myself wanting to call my ex. But I can't get past the fact that he cheated on me, and if I go back to him, I know I will wonder if he will do it again. Help!
  22. but I just can't he contact me? I do love him, but I just can't forgive him for what he has done, I am very confused.
  23. hey kipster yeah we talked about getting married, we pretty much our whole life together planned out, like how many kids we were going to have, where were going to live, what kind of house and furniture we would have. Heck I even picked out my engagement ring and wedding dress. I do love him and still think about him every day, but I can't call him, because every time I have before he would blame me for everything, and I don't want to put myself through that, what really irks me is that he cheated on me, yet why am I the one suffering?
  24. hi lonely child I know what you are going through, I felt the pain when I heard his voice or when I heard about him from my friends, or if I saw something that reminded me of him like his favorite tv commercial, or favorite food. Try not to think about it, I know its easier said than done, when you find yourself thinking about him, try do put your mind on other things by keeping busy. My other suggestion is if you still have contact with your ex, cut off ties with him, use the no contact rule. You will experience less pain.
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