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I have a girl who i have been having a long distance thing with for 8 months now. She is very sweet and professes to love me a lot.

There are just too many things i wonder about, first she is 19 and she only like hanging out with guys, and all her old friends are her ex's which i find very weird.

She goes to school in Canada so she left all those friend behind but now she has started again only hanging out with guys and i am worried that she might hook up with them again because she said thats what she used to do. she cheated on all her previous boyfriends, with one of her 'friends'.

She also doesnt tell people that she has a boyfriend, and once when i went to Canada we had a huge fight because she was introducing me to her friends as just another friend.

She constantly tell me that hers friends make passes at her and that he refuses them.

She also once wrote a letter to her ex who ironically moved to canada as well that she wanted to get back together and she refuses to tell her othere ex's that she has a man!

she also writes letter to them using pet names she uses with me and i had to strongarm her into telling some of her exes who she was telling she was single about me.

Basically its a very awkward situation and i dont know what to do. I dont understand the secrecy of not telling she has a man and her obsession with having only guys as friends.

She tells me she loves me and wouldnt do anything to hurt me, but sometimes i just dont know. i am confused coz i love her so much,..... someone help me!!!!!!!

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Lets the games begin!


How many warning signs do you need? if she really loved you she would not have introduced you to her other friends as a friend, so she is probably playing these other guys the same way as you, your just a part of her toy collection.


for a girl looking to have many admireres she will be and act whatever she has to, to be that sweet little girl you love so much.


and all that cheating that she actually admits to, ah, question do you thing you have some magical ability to change her character over night?


so lets see, she lies to all these other guys but not to you, she cheated on these other guys but not on you, and she says she loves you but introduces you as a friend.


Am I missing something? hey this is only my opinion, and based on the info you gave this is my best guess, dont get serious with this girl, unless she can show some real dedication and comitment, which i doubt she will do, id get out of it real quick. your just gonna get burnt. A girl like this likes all these guys after her, its an ego trip to feed some kind inferiority complex she probably has, she probably got dumped once or twice and this is her way of never getting hurt again. who knows? but she is dangerous never the less.

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I can't argue with those warning signs. Your girlfriend should be proud of your committment and not hiding it. Either she wants to have her cake (you) and eat it too (other men), or she is in serious need of attention and self introspection. There are several reasons why she prefers to spend time with male friends. Women can be very catty, and thus uninteresting. Conversely, they can also force you to look at yourself and your actions in a way that "man friends" do not. Judging by the fact that many of these men are her ex's (of some kind or another), I'm willing to bet the latter is true. Though I don't usually approve of them, I think it's ultimatum time....either she treats you like her partner, or you move on to someone who will. In truth, it sounds to me as though she is indeed cheating....why else hide a mate? Good luck to you

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