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Failing to improve


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I have lost my quality boyfriend. It was my mistake. Break up sucks, sucks more when you were the culprit. I have apologised to him. I have to let him go now, understand his feelings and respect his decision. Perhaps now he would never like to talk to me in future.

Now, the point is I can't dwell on him, I got to work upon myself and improve myself so that I don't repeat such things again in future.

I am failing to focus on my competitive exams, I am failing to begin a new life. I am failing to forget him.

Please somebody help me out.

Suggest me to how to move forward and not dwell on the past.

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I think the first step is forgiving yourself .. once you do that you can move on from the situation, and move forward gracefully. This will take a while especially, because you've been at fault .. just remember we all make mistake we all do wrong. So maybe one day he could talk to you, but until then just focus on you .. focus on the things in your life happening now like your exams .. it sounds impossible yes, but just remember nothing is impossible, and you can get through this. One step at a time

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