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I Feel Rejected


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I haven't felt a pain this extreme in so long. It all started with this guy I fell for pretty hard. He was basically what I imagine my dream man to be. I would show up at school early every morning just to talk to him, I talked about him all the time to my friends. and I would do literally anything to get him to like me. I also have this "friend" who I'm gonna call Satan in this story. Satan is friends with my crush and knows I like him. He rides the bus with my crush as well. This is where the story takes a turn. My crush was flirting and tickling this girl on the bus and Satan took pictures and videos of it and sent them to me. When I saw them, my stomach churned and my heart did somersaults in my chest. I was driving home, trying my best to keep it together. I ended up bawling in a CVS parking lot. Now, the only time when I feel okay is when I'm sleeping. It's awful. And that's why I'm here. I need advice. I don't know what to do or if I should still talk to my crush. I'm just conflicted and broken inside.

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You will feel chemistry with lots of guys you encounter throughout your life. Your comment "I would do literally anything to get him to like me," is not something that should be your goal. When you are your wonderful self, a guy will either like you, whether it be a friend or in a romantic way, or you won't be his cup of tea and he's not the one for you. There is never any game plan to consider "doing" things to "get" someone to like you. The right guy will genuinely like you because he feels chemistry for you and likes your personality.


You can still be pleasant to this guy, but either he doesn't want to date anyone, or he isn't into you, or he needs more time to get to know you. Just be your kind self but don't pour your emotional energy into an unknown. Stop putting in the effort like getting to school early to talk to him. It hasn't worked. The right guy will put effort into getting to know you. If it's one-sided on your part, it's not meant for you. Always remember that you are the treasure.

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If he is only a "crush" he did nothing to offend or hurt you. You have nothing to talk to him about.

I am friends with him though. He texted me and talked to me. I want to be friends with him but I am a little hurt. I know he did nothing wrong and that's why I feel bad about it.

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Wow it would be best to reconsider such notions as "he's a dream man", "I would do anything to be with him" and calling others "Satan".


These are all quite unhealthy and unwholesome ideas that will get you in trouble. It may be best to ask your parents to help you get some therapy for a healthier outlook on life, boys, friends, dating and controlling your emotions to align them with reality better.

He was basically what I imagine my dream man to be. I would do literally anything to get him to like me. My crush was flirting and tickling this girl on the bus and Satan took pictures and videos of it and sent them to me.
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People like "satan" are everywhere unfortunately. They play on you, they want to provoke you. In all honesty, I'd suggest ignoring them as best you can. Sure it sucks/hurts to know that the guy you have your eye on is flirting with someone else. Maybe he likes that girl, maybe she initiated it, maybe he was just having fun and it meant nothing to him. But you can't focus on that, it's beyond what you can control. Focus on yourself and your relationship with this guy. If it's good and he's interested in you too, all hope is not lost. Do you guys ever tickle each other? Maybe try and see how he responds? But also be open to the possibility that it won't work out with him. Don't change yourself, be the best 'you' that you can be and move on. Eventually someone will come by that sees you and thinks of you as his "dream woman." Or something like that

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