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Not sure what where to put this topic...about pictures on his phone! Little long. Does a man have pics of him self inside a heart on his phone? Does a man have friendly pics if women on his phone?


Today he was showing me a photos (about 8) on his phone that he recently had sent me and talked about them, including some about his brother who's long distance along with 4 other similar pics about that one. He kept turning to view the next one and talking about it. Then he turned to one other one maybe half way and stopped or not half way, I think I saw a wall and half of a tv, but by that time I kept looking away talking to someone. So he stops and goes back to that first one then holds it with two hands to show all of the pics at once (like showed squares) I'm looking and looking a way don't remember if he was still talking.

Then he sits in another way I think but he was holding his phone with one hand again to show me more.


One pic of just him (not selfie I think looks more like someone taken it) in the same shirt he's wearing, he was supposed to be at work all day. He standing in front of a wall not in any particular pose or any thing I think his hand/arm is extended on the wall, the color of the wall I've saw before of another women's house, nobody ever if rally stands by the one area I'm guessing it is or I could be wrong and it's another part of the area or wrong all to get her


Another pic of two women (siting next to each other maybe heads next to each other) I don't know (but I didn't take a closer look to try and recognize) he goes past but not looking to hide it or go fast. Another time I saw he had a pic of two women (he had said you know my sister, I did ask about that other women he didn't really give an answer but aha then I forget the rest but no name or what) one was his sister the other I didn't know. I didn't notice if these are the same women, pics were similar.


Another pic I've been wondering about,

Was of him alone full length with a large heart around him, positioned on the left and him on the right, as double or twins. With white around the heart, the pic was grayish not bright I'm not sure if he was wearing the same shirt but it look very similar, looked like (of course) from an app.


What's with this? I don't think grown men has picture of them selves inside hearts on their phone, or was he downloading apps and playing with them? But heart picture apps? Was he to send it to someone or someone sent it to him?

It's not his first time showing me pics on his phone then keep going showing few more.

Was he doing this to get a reaction out of me? Was he trying to make me jealous? Was he trying to prove something? Or was it all nothing? Does men have friendly looking pics of other women or friends besides sister on their phone?


He's popular well known not all on personal levels it's all mixed. He has large number of friends and family who lives in few states and outside the country, so they text a lot. Kinda strange probably that he's showing me a pic that he sent me to ask if I got it and what I thought of it, even through I did send back a responds. Then goes back to another pic (of him when he was 16) he send another day (3rd time of asking about it). Maybe trying to strike a conversation, talk more?

Thinking I should had said something but I've learned to hide my feelings and anger so good for many years, I just didn't then let it bother me later. Most of the time I say nothing. Trying to stop but be nice. Thinking out loud.

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