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No gift or card from boyfriend for christmas


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I've been with my boyfriend for 6 months now, we have a wonderful relationship and he is caring and sweet. This Christmas I was overwhelmed with work and so so busy that I felt very bad for not having time to go to the shops and get him a gift. Instead I spent ever spare moment surfing the internet trying to find something thoughtful and nice for him for Christmas. I ended up getting him a few gifts and gave them to him on new years eve. He said "Oh, this is so awkward, I didn't get you anything". i pretended it was ok and said he didn't need to (which he really didn't) My issue is the thought behind it.. Why would a guy not get his girlfriend a gift or card for Christmas? I was ok with it but it keeps being brought up when all my friends and workfriends ask what he got me for Christmas and I tell them "nothing".


I don't want to sound spoiled, but I have always received something from my boyfriends and friends, even if it was just a card or a chocolate or something and I just wonder why he couldn't even be bothered. Should I just let it go?

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You are not sounding spoiled or anything...someone that has been together with someone for 6 months should have got you something, anything!!! Even if it was a card and flowers or chocolates, or anything!!! I would be thoroughly pissed if I was you, and I would be kicking this guy away, and fast!!!


I find my opinion funny, because I typically float to the guys' side of an argument (typical guy...we have to support each other right!!! haha), but this is inexcusable, selfish, and completely wrong!!! I am sorry that you had to experience this...gives us guys a bad name!!!


I hope you have a better New Years!!!

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I feel like if he has been with you for 6 months, it is definitely insincere that he didn't get you anything. I understand that life does get busy, it does get stressful, and that people forget things. Have you spoke to him about why he was unable to get you a gift? It's a hard situation to approach without possibly triggering some negative responses, which would make it scary, but I feel like unless you can get over it on your own the first step to getting over it otherwise would be to ask him.


Be nice about it though, which is sounds like you would be, just keep it casual and simple. No being a detective and asking sly questions, be straight to the point, guys don't like indirect questions as much and it won't get you as good an answer.


My boyfriend didn't get a gift for me for Christmas either, but that was because he had a good reason to have not, and we haven't been together near as long as you.


I'd say try not to take it personal, yet. If he gives some bad excuse for not getting a gift, even if it's just he was "too busy" I'd say you have a little reason to be annoyed. Don't blow things out of proportion though, but let him know that you enjoy gifts and that it would have been nice to receive one or something that would show his care for you.


Good luck!

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Well, when he told me he didnt get me anything he asked "Why did you get me something, I thought we said Christmas was stupid and agreed we wouldn't get gifts?". I told him I had never said that and he must have me confused with someone else because I love Christmas and all the lights and sparkles and music and EVERYTHING. I didn't want to continue the conversation because its really awakward to ask someone why they didnt get you a gift. its not like its a right or anything. When we were together 1 month he got me a wonderful gift for my birthday, so perhaps it was a misunderstanding or to do with Christmas. he has gotten me flowers here and there and useful little gifts for my flat. So im not about to throw him out the window for this. its just weird and it makes me wonder what is going on in his head.

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Well I'm sure every woman wonders what goes on in her man's head, a man's mind can sometimes be an elusive thing. It sounds to me like he was just confused with the situation. He probably sincerely believes you agreed that the present was a no-go for this holiday season. Maybe he too was worried about not getting a present, and just assumed since you were busy you probably wouldn't get him one?


Either way you're definitely right, you shouldn't throw him out for this. I feel like it was just a misunderstanding. Especially since he's gotten you gifts on previous occasions. Everyone makes innocent mistakes, sometimes they look like they could be more than that, but I feel like this was an accident. I'm sure he'll make up for it. It's a hard thing not to take personal but this one should just be let go for now. So do what you can to get past the thoughts about it.

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From the above, it seems like he had a reason for not giving you anything, even if it was based on a misunderstanding. It's not that he doesn't care, or is stingy, as you say he has given you gifts at other times. It's not something to break up over, definitely. But try to sort it out for next time.

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If I knew that my partner of 6 months wasn't stingy/thoughtless, I would probably chalk this up to a general misunderstanding. It sounds like you guys were not on the same wavelength as far as how you regard Christmas. Some people/families just don't give gifts this time of year, etc, as they see it is too commercial.


I would give him a pass this time and try not to worry about it.

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I'm concerned about whose sentiment about x-mas he mixed up with yours?


Are you sure he's not seeing multiple women?


I know, how horrible to think this. But... wouldn't it be difficult to mix a girlfriend's sentiment about x-mas up with a platonic friend or something?

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Valentine's Day is coming up soon. This would be your chance to see if he is a giving person. I agree, let Christmas slide. Not everyone celebrates it but if he doesn't treat you well on Valentine's Day or on your birthday, whichever comes first then I would think about whether this is someone I want to be serious about although it would suck to break up over the issue of presents. There is probably a deeper meaning behind it. Who wants to be with a selfish man?

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