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What to do when people snub you?

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Generally, what do you do to re-melt the ice with people (friends and acquaintances) who, for some reason, start snubbing and ignoring you?


Secondly, what's the best solution to the same problem, in case they start ignoring you for no apparent reason?


This has rarely happened in my life and I actually started experiencing these for the first time when I entered the university environment.


There are some people whom on one day you talk normally, you do him a favor, help him out with something... and the next day he doesn't even look at you when you wave at him, smile and greet him.

They sometimes even purposely look away. Or stop communicating with you, severing all connections at will. Sometimes in a very rude manner.


These are actually very few people, but even if they are few, it's kind of creepy since you don't really understand what you did to them.

And I do feel worried.


Should I feel guilty? And about what?

"Can I help ...?"

No... not even the time to talk. They just walk away...


What worried me most is that in the beginning they were very friendly and talkative. I remember one person whom I wished for his birthday (and I was the only one who remembered it that day ) Next day doesn't even smile back when I say "Hi".

And after that he never seeked any further friendship...


What's the meaning of these puzzling situations?

How to solve them and restore communication?

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I accept that someone can decide to snub me.

To me, it simply shows they want nothing to do with me.

It's up to them.


I can ask them to explain their behavior, rack my brain for some misstep on my part or ask mutual friends what went wrong.

But I don't.

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I would probably find it very comfortable "not to care about it", even if I would actually feel more rude myself, since I as a person am also responsible for giving an effort to understand or tackle any possible problems.


I don't feel socially rejected since most of the time these people are like 2% of the people I know on the whole campus.

I feel sad. The attitude simply freaks me They're like prophets of doom.

And I feel sad when, especially with their attitude, I don't know how to help them or solve any problem.


I still didn't understand the possible reasons why they would behave so.

Why, for example, would you snub or start ignoring anyone, for no apparent reason?


Let me ask you:

Is it so hard to keep an acquaintanceship?

Is it so hard to smile back and say "Hi!" in the morning?


Why do certain people create barriers?

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Maybe because they don't like me.

That would be a tautology to my question


How can they decide whether to like me or not based on no specific event, behavior or sometimes even without knowing me properly as a person?

For what reason would you decide "not to like" someone who is just being friendly with you?


And why would you switch rapidly from a very friendly behavior on one day to snubbish on the other day?

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Sometimes personalities just clash and it is neither party's fault. Some people just don't get along with each other. Some people say, "I'll give this person a chance." and when they are around each other and one person doesn't like the other person. Sometimes I ignore people that I don't like just to help keep the peace in the apartment, classroom, etc. If they say hi to me I'll say hi back.

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And why would you switch rapidly from a very friendly behavior on one day to snubbish on the other day?


They could have been faking it until they saw no gain in it.

They found you annoying.

A third party backstabbed you.

Something they learned about you triggered a deepseated predjudice.

They suffer from psychosis. (I've encounter that.)

You cut them off in traffic last night.

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