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MissCanuck last won the day on April 22

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  1. Alright, then let me rephrase: you two aren't in any position to get engaged. Your relationship is not great. There are multiple incompatibilities. There are numerous problems between you two. This is not the recipe for a happy and succeessful lifelong union.
  2. Setting aside all the logistical and legal matters for a moment, you two don't have a relationship that's anywhere near ready for marriage. It's way too unstable to make it a lifellong commitment. Add in all the other complications, and you don't really have much to work with here . Please don't bet your future on this woman, OP.
  3. What are you getting out of your marriage at this point?
  4. Of course not. It's an uncontrolled reflex. There's a difference. He's trying to make it sound like a scratchy cough he just can't get rid of. Dude, please. It's not hard to fix this. Since he told you he does this, you know you would have been signing up for more of it. I would've nexted him too. He sounds ick.
  5. Yeah, I am going to stick my neck out and say someone is bored under the bridge and came to stir up posters.
  6. I'm sorry, man. She's not interested that way. She doesn't have the courage to come right out and say so, but that's what this is. Unforuantely, you guys were wrong. It sucks but there's not much more you can do.
  7. Yes, I think we need more context. What were your interactions with these people like? And specifically this person Alex? How often did you see and speak to each other? It seems there must be more to this story than a bunch of people suddenly deciding to take space from you. Perhaps if you describe your friendships with more detail we can pinpoint what went wrong here.
  8. Why did you keep dating this guy? I would have dumped him for those comments ages ago.
  9. You made a thread about this before. It seems little has changed. You're still trying to force yourself to accept being very hurt by him. Honestly, I would not have kept dating him after those horrible comments. You don't need therapy for this. You needed to find a better boyfriend who doesn't say such mean things to begin with. Some things can't be undone.
  10. I don't understand how you manage to even get through the day at work when all you do is look for problems and reasons to feel superior to everyone around you.
  11. Uh, no. She is being ridiculous. Does your friend always treat you like crap? Why would you need to "geta job for her" to begin with?
  12. Becauase again, it more than likely wasn't the "poof" you're imagining. Long-term couples rarely experience that kind of break-up (excluding those with some sort of sudden event that changes everything). What is more likely is that things shifted over time and they weren't as close anymore by the time they actually split. There could have been any number of contributing factors, but it was probably an accumulation of problems over time. Be careful not to project your own fears and invent a narrative in your head about what their relationship (and break-up) was like. You're fretting over hypotheticals you haven't actually seen evidence of.
  13. You weren't hired to feel things. You were hired to do the tasks she assigns you. If you can't handle it and don't like the way she runs things, move along. Or hey, here's an idea, start your own business. You can run that however you want. Just be careful about hiring employees who seek to undermine you.
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