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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Why Am I So Untrusting in My Relationship?

    Key Takeaways:

    • Identifying personal history's impact
    • Improving communication to build trust
    • Role of therapy in overcoming distrust
    • Setting boundaries enhances trust
    • Reconnecting through trust-building activities

    Understanding Trust Issues in Relationships

    Trust is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, yet it's often one of the most challenging aspects to navigate. This complex emotional state is more than just a feeling; it's a foundational element that influences how we interact with our partners. From the small daily interactions to the more significant decisions, trust impacts the dynamics of a relationship profoundly. Understanding trust issues involves delving into the nuances of these dynamics, exploring why trust might be lacking, and recognizing its profound effect on a relationship.

    Trust issues often manifest as a persistent sense of unease or anxiety in a relationship. These feelings may stem from a fear of betrayal or an underlying concern that one's partner is not being entirely truthful or faithful. Such doubts can create a pervasive atmosphere of suspicion and caution, hindering the natural flow of communication and intimacy. The key lies in identifying the signs of trust issues, which can range from constant questioning of a partner's whereabouts to a reluctance to share personal thoughts and feelings.

    The importance of trust extends beyond mere emotional comfort; it's vital for creating a secure, supportive environment within a relationship. When trust is absent, partners may find themselves in a cycle of misunderstandings and conflicts. This lack of trust can lead to defensive behaviors, where each partner guards their vulnerabilities, preventing genuine connection and understanding. In contrast, a relationship grounded in trust provides a safe space for both individuals to express themselves freely and navigate challenges together.

    However, building or rebuilding trust is not a straightforward task. It requires time, patience, and a mutual commitment to transparency and honesty. This process often involves confronting uncomfortable truths and working through past issues that may have eroded trust. For many, this journey starts with self-reflection and a willingness to understand one's own role in the trust dynamics of the relationship.

    Overcoming trust issues also requires a consistent effort to demonstrate reliability and integrity. Actions, in this context, speak louder than words. Showing up when you say you will, being honest even when it's difficult, and consistently being a reliable partner are all crucial steps in fostering trust. This consistency in behavior helps to create a predictable and reassuring relationship environment where trust can thrive.

    Finally, trust is not a static element; it evolves over time and must be nurtured continuously. It's a delicate balance between being vulnerable and being protective of oneself. Successfully navigating trust issues involves a conscious effort to understand, communicate, and grow together, laying the foundation for a healthy, enduring relationship.

    The Roots of Distrust: Exploring Personal History

    Understanding the roots of distrust in a relationship often requires delving into one's personal history. Our past experiences, particularly those from childhood and previous relationships, significantly shape how we perceive trust. These experiences can leave deep imprints, influencing our expectations and reactions in current relationships. For many, past betrayals or disappointments become the lens through which they view new partners, leading to a preemptive defense mechanism against potential hurt.

    Childhood experiences play a pivotal role in forming our trust blueprint. The reliability and consistency of parental figures, or lack thereof, can set the stage for how we approach trust in our adult relationships. Those who experienced neglect, inconsistency, or betrayal in their early years may find it more challenging to trust others. They might unconsciously project these early experiences onto their partners, perceiving threats where there might be none.

    Previous romantic relationships also significantly influence our trust perceptions. If someone has experienced infidelity, deceit, or emotional manipulation in past relationships, they may carry these wounds into their current partnerships. These past traumas can manifest as an overactive defense mechanism, constantly on alert for signs of betrayal, even in the absence of actual threats.

    Our cultural and societal backgrounds also contribute to our understanding of trust. Different cultures have varied norms regarding privacy, communication, and interpersonal dynamics. These cultural influences can lead to differing expectations within a relationship, potentially creating misunderstandings and trust issues. Recognizing and respecting these cultural differences is crucial in fostering mutual understanding and trust.

    Self-esteem and self-worth are other critical factors in trust dynamics. Individuals with lower self-esteem may find it harder to trust their partners, often driven by a fear of not being 'good enough' or worries about abandonment. This lack of self-trust can project outward, leading to a cycle of suspicion and doubt in the relationship.

    Breaking the cycle of distrust requires a deep, introspective look into one's personal history. By acknowledging and understanding the impact of past experiences, individuals can begin to differentiate past traumas from present realities. This self-awareness is a crucial step in healing and building healthier trust dynamics in current relationships.

    Communication Breakdown: How It Feeds Distrust


    Communication is the lifeline of a relationship, and its breakdown is often a primary contributor to trust issues. When communication falters, misinformation and misunderstandings flourish, paving the way for distrust. The absence of open and honest dialogue can lead to the accumulation of doubts and insecurities, further eroding the trust between partners. This section explores the ways in which communication breakdown contributes to a distrustful environment and the importance of maintaining clear, empathetic communication to preserve trust.

    A common sign of communication breakdown is the avoidance of meaningful conversations. Couples may find themselves discussing only superficial topics, steering clear of anything that might lead to conflict or discomfort. This avoidance creates a chasm in the relationship, leaving each partner to fill in the gaps with assumptions and suspicions. Over time, this lack of depth in communication can lead to a sense of disconnection and mistrust, as partners no longer feel understood or valued.

    Another aspect of communication breakdown is the misinterpretation of words and actions. Without clear communication, partners may misconstrue each other's intentions, leading to feelings of betrayal or hurt. These misunderstandings can spiral into arguments and resentment, further damaging the trust in the relationship. It becomes a vicious cycle, where poor communication leads to distrust, and distrust hampers effective communication.

    Non-verbal communication also plays a significant role in this dynamic. Body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions can convey messages just as powerfully as words. Negative non-verbal cues, such as crossed arms, avoidance of eye contact, or a dismissive tone, can signal a lack of openness and trust. Recognizing and addressing these non-verbal signals is crucial in preventing further breakdown in communication and trust.

    Restoring communication to heal trust involves a conscious effort from both partners. It requires creating a safe space where each person feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or retaliation. This process involves active listening, empathy, and a willingness to understand each other's perspectives. Rebuilding communication is a step towards rebuilding trust, allowing couples to reconnect and strengthen their relationship.

    The Role of Jealousy and Insecurity

    Jealousy and insecurity are often intertwined with trust issues in relationships. These emotions, while natural to some extent, can become destructive when they overshadow rationality and understanding. Jealousy typically stems from fear—fear of loss, fear of inadequacy, or fear of betrayal. Insecurity, on the other hand, is rooted in a lack of confidence, either in oneself or in the relationship. This section delves into how these emotions contribute to trust issues and the importance of addressing them to maintain a healthy relationship.

    Jealousy manifests in various forms, from mild discomfort at a partner's interactions with others to obsessive thoughts and controlling behaviors. It often arises from a combination of personal insecurities and past experiences. When jealousy becomes excessive, it can lead to constant questioning, unfounded accusations, and an overall atmosphere of distrust. Recognizing the signs of unhealthy jealousy is the first step in addressing it and preventing it from damaging the relationship.

    Insecurity, while closely related to jealousy, has its own unique impact on trust. Insecure individuals may constantly seek reassurance from their partners, doubting their feelings and commitment. This constant need for validation can strain the relationship, creating a cycle of dependency and mistrust. Insecurity often stems from deeper issues of self-esteem and self-worth, making it essential to address these root causes to build a stronger sense of trust and security in the relationship.

    Communication plays a vital role in managing jealousy and insecurity. Openly discussing these feelings with a partner can help to dispel misconceptions and build understanding. It's important for both partners to express their needs and concerns honestly, while also providing reassurance and support. This open dialogue can strengthen the bond between partners, reducing the impact of jealousy and insecurity on the relationship.

    Finally, building trust in the face of jealousy and insecurity requires patience and empathy from both partners. It involves a commitment to working through these emotions together, understanding each other's vulnerabilities, and fostering a supportive and reassuring environment. By confronting and managing these challenging emotions, couples can deepen their connection and build a more trusting and resilient relationship.

    Impact of Past Traumas on Current Trust Levels


    Past traumas can have a profound impact on an individual's ability to trust in a relationship. These traumas, whether they stem from childhood experiences, past relationships, or other life events, can leave lasting emotional scars that influence current interactions. The presence of these past wounds often creates a lens of fear and skepticism, making it challenging for individuals to open up and trust their partners fully. This section explores how past traumas affect current trust levels and the journey towards healing and rebuilding trust.

    Childhood traumas, such as abandonment, abuse, or witnessing unhealthy relationships, can significantly shape an individual's trust framework. These early experiences can instill deep-seated fears and insecurities, making it difficult to believe that others can be dependable and trustworthy. Adults who have experienced such traumas may find themselves struggling with vulnerability, often fearing that opening up will lead to further pain or betrayal.

    The impact of traumatic experiences in previous romantic relationships cannot be overstated. Betrayals, such as infidelity or deceit, can shatter an individual's trust, leaving them wary in future relationships. These experiences often lead to heightened vigilance for signs of betrayal, sometimes causing individuals to misinterpret innocent actions as threatening to the relationship's security.

    Even traumas unrelated to relationships, such as personal losses or traumatic events, can influence one's ability to trust. These experiences can lead to a general skepticism about life and other people, which can inadvertently extend to romantic partners. The fear of experiencing similar pain can cause individuals to erect emotional barriers, hindering the development of trust.

    Recovering from past traumas and rebuilding trust is a delicate process that often requires time, patience, and sometimes professional help. It involves acknowledging and processing the pain of these experiences, understanding their impact on current behaviors, and learning new, healthier ways to approach trust and vulnerability.

    One key aspect of healing is differentiating between past and present. This means recognizing that current partners are not responsible for past hurts and should not be punished for them. It involves giving the current relationship a chance to grow on its own merits, free from the shadows of past traumas.

    Finally, fostering open communication with a partner about one's past traumas can be transformative. Sharing these experiences can help partners understand each other's triggers and reactions, leading to a deeper level of empathy and support. This shared understanding is a crucial step in building a trusting and compassionate relationship, where both partners feel safe and valued.

    Social Media and Trust: Navigating the Digital Age

    In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of many people's lives, and it can have a significant impact on trust in relationships. The accessibility of information, the presence of past connections, and the portrayal of idealized lives on these platforms can create challenges and insecurities in romantic partnerships. This section examines how social media influences trust dynamics in relationships and ways to navigate its impact effectively.

    One of the main issues with social media is the ease with which it allows connections with past romantic partners or potential new interests. This accessibility can lead to jealousy and suspicion, especially if communication with these connections is not transparent. The virtual nature of these interactions can blur boundaries, making it difficult for partners to gauge the appropriateness of such communications.

    Moreover, the portrayal of seemingly perfect lives and relationships on social media can create unrealistic expectations. Partners may compare their own relationships to these idealized versions, leading to dissatisfaction and a feeling that their relationship is lacking. This comparison can erode trust, as partners might question each other's commitment to creating a similarly 'perfect' relationship.

    To mitigate the impact of social media on trust, it is essential for partners to have open discussions about their online behaviors and boundaries. This dialogue should include agreeing on what is acceptable in terms of online interactions with others and sharing social media activities to maintain transparency. By setting clear boundaries and expectations, couples can prevent misunderstandings and maintain trust in the digital age.

    Building Trust: Steps to Heal and Grow

    Building trust in a relationship is a process that requires active effort from both partners. It involves not only healing from past hurts but also laying the foundation for a secure and honest relationship moving forward. This section outlines practical steps that couples can take to build and strengthen trust, fostering a deeper connection and mutual respect.

    The first step in building trust is establishing open and honest communication. This means creating a safe environment where both partners feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. It's about listening actively, acknowledging each other's perspectives, and showing empathy towards one another's experiences.

    Consistency in actions and words is crucial in building trust. Reliability in small matters sets a precedent for trustworthiness in more significant issues. This consistency helps to create a predictable and reassuring environment, where each partner knows what to expect from the other.

    Transparency is another key element in building trust. This involves being open about one's actions, intentions, and feelings. It means being honest, even when it might be uncomfortable, and sharing information that is relevant to the relationship and each partner's well-being.

    Another important aspect is giving each other the benefit of the doubt. Trust requires a certain level of vulnerability and the willingness to believe in each other's good intentions, even in the face of uncertainty. This doesn't mean ignoring red flags, but rather choosing to approach situations with a mindset of understanding and openness.

    Finally, building trust involves patience and time. Trust cannot be rushed; it grows gradually as partners demonstrate their reliability, understanding, and commitment to the relationship. Recognizing and celebrating small milestones in trust-building can encourage continued efforts and mutual growth.

    The Importance of Self-Reflection in Building Trust

    Self-reflection is a critical aspect of building trust in a relationship. It involves looking inward to understand one's own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors and how these impact the relationship. This introspective process is essential for personal growth and for fostering a healthy, trusting relationship. In this section, we explore the role of self-reflection in building trust, highlighting its importance in understanding oneself and improving relational dynamics.

    Self-reflection helps in identifying personal trust issues and their origins. By understanding the roots of these issues, whether they stem from past relationships, childhood experiences, or personal insecurities, individuals can begin to address them and prevent them from affecting their current relationship.

    Through self-reflection, individuals can also gain insight into their own communication patterns and how these might contribute to trust issues. Recognizing unhelpful patterns such as defensiveness, avoidance, or aggression allows for the development of more effective and empathetic communication strategies.

    Another key aspect of self-reflection is understanding one's own needs and boundaries in a relationship. By being clear about what is important and non-negotiable, individuals can communicate these needs more effectively to their partners, creating a foundation for trust and mutual respect.

    Self-reflection also plays a role in emotional regulation. Understanding one's emotional triggers and learning to manage reactions can prevent unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings in a relationship. This emotional awareness and regulation are essential for building a stable and trusting partnership.

    Finally, self-reflection encourages personal accountability. It involves recognizing and taking responsibility for one's actions and their impact on the relationship. This accountability is crucial for building trust, as it demonstrates a commitment to honesty and a willingness to work on oneself for the betterment of the relationship.

    How Therapy Can Help Overcome Trust Issues

    Therapy can be a powerful tool in overcoming trust issues within a relationship. It provides a safe and neutral space for individuals and couples to explore the root causes of their distrust and to develop strategies for rebuilding trust. This section discusses how therapy can facilitate this healing process, offering insights into its benefits and approaches.

    One of the primary benefits of therapy is the opportunity for guided self-exploration. A therapist can help individuals uncover underlying issues that contribute to trust problems, such as past traumas or ingrained patterns of thinking. This understanding is crucial for addressing and resolving trust issues.

    In couples therapy, both partners have the chance to express their feelings and perspectives in a controlled environment. A therapist can mediate these conversations, ensuring that each partner feels heard and understood. This process can help break down barriers of communication and misinterpretation, which are often at the heart of trust issues.

    Therapy also provides practical tools and techniques for building trust. Therapists can introduce exercises that foster empathy, understanding, and communication between partners. These activities help couples learn to interact in more constructive ways, gradually rebuilding trust.

    Additionally, therapy can help individuals and couples deal with the emotional fallout of broken trust. Whether it's learning to manage feelings of betrayal or addressing fears of vulnerability, therapy can offer support and guidance in navigating these challenging emotions.

    Ultimately, therapy's goal in the context of trust issues is to help individuals and couples create healthier, more secure relationship dynamics. By addressing the root causes of distrust and providing tools for change, therapy can be a transformative experience, paving the way for stronger and more trusting relationships.

    Trust and Intimacy: Reconnecting with Your Partner

    Trust and intimacy are deeply interconnected in a relationship. A lack of trust can significantly hinder the development of intimacy, while a strong foundation of trust can enhance the emotional and physical closeness between partners. This section explores how rebuilding trust can lead to a deeper, more meaningful connection with your partner.

    Intimacy requires a level of vulnerability that can only be achieved in a trusting environment. When trust is compromised, partners often become guarded, limiting the depth of their emotional and physical connection. Rebuilding trust allows for this vulnerability, opening the door to a more profound intimacy.

    Communication is key to rebuilding trust and, by extension, intimacy. Engaging in open and honest conversations about needs, fears, and desires can strengthen the emotional bond between partners. This kind of communication fosters understanding and empathy, essential components of intimacy.

    Spending quality time together is another important factor in rekindling intimacy. Engaging in activities that both partners enjoy can help rebuild a positive connection, reminding them of the joy and comfort they find in each other's company.

    Physical intimacy also plays a significant role in reconnecting with your partner. This doesn't only refer to sexual intimacy but also to non-sexual forms of physical closeness like hugging, holding hands, or cuddling. These actions can help re-establish a sense of safety and connection.

    Working through trust issues can also lead to a deeper understanding of each other's emotional worlds. This understanding can enhance intimacy, as partners learn to support and validate each other's feelings and experiences.

    Intimacy is also about shared goals and dreams. Building trust allows partners to plan and dream together, creating a shared vision for their future. This shared vision can strengthen the bond and deepen the sense of intimacy.

    Finally, patience is crucial in the journey towards rebuilding trust and intimacy. It takes time to heal wounds and rebuild a connection, and expecting immediate results can be counterproductive. Patience, coupled with consistent effort, can gradually lead to a renewed sense of trust and a deeper, more fulfilling intimate relationship.

    Setting Boundaries: A Key to Fostering Trust

    Setting boundaries is an essential aspect of fostering trust in a relationship. Boundaries help define what is acceptable and what is not, creating a sense of safety and respect between partners. This section discusses the importance of setting boundaries and how they contribute to building a foundation of trust in a relationship.

    Boundaries can vary widely, from how much time partners spend together to how they handle conflicts. Establishing clear boundaries involves open communication about each partner's needs, expectations, and limits. It's about finding a balance between independence and togetherness, ensuring that both partners feel comfortable and respected.

    Respecting boundaries is just as important as setting them. This means honoring each other's limits and understanding that boundaries are not constraints, but rather guidelines for healthy interaction. When boundaries are respected, trust naturally grows, as partners feel their needs and values are being acknowledged.

    Negotiating boundaries is a continuous process in a relationship. As partners grow and change, so too might their boundaries. Regularly revisiting and adjusting these boundaries can help maintain a healthy level of trust and ensure that both partners feel their current needs are being met.

    It's also important to recognize that boundaries are not just about restrictions; they're about creating a safe space for openness and vulnerability. By clearly defining what is off-limits, partners can feel more secure in exploring deeper levels of emotional and physical intimacy.

    Finally, setting boundaries requires a degree of self-awareness and self-respect. Understanding one's own limits and communicating them effectively is a sign of emotional maturity and contributes to the overall health and trustworthiness of the relationship.

    Trust-Building Activities for Couples

    Trust-building activities can be an effective way for couples to strengthen their relationship and deepen their connection. These activities are designed to foster communication, empathy, and understanding, helping partners to rebuild or enhance trust. This section explores various trust-building activities that couples can engage in together.

    Communication exercises are a great starting point. These can include activities like sharing fears and dreams, discussing personal challenges, or simply spending time talking about each other's day. The key is to ensure open, non-judgmental communication, allowing each partner to feel heard and valued.

    Participating in new or challenging activities together can also build trust. This might involve trying a new sport, learning a skill, or engaging in a shared project. These experiences can foster teamwork, dependability, and a sense of accomplishment as a couple.

    Practicing vulnerability is another valuable trust-building activity. This could involve sharing personal stories, expressing emotions, or showing aspects of oneself that are usually kept hidden. These acts of vulnerability can deepen the emotional connection and trust between partners.

    Setting goals together is another way to build trust. Whether it's planning a trip, setting fitness goals, or working on a home improvement project, shared goals can create a sense of partnership and mutual reliance.

    Finally, regular check-ins about the relationship can help maintain and build trust. These check-ins provide an opportunity to discuss how each partner is feeling about the relationship, address any concerns, and acknowledge progress in building trust.

    The Role of Honesty and Transparency

    Honesty and transparency are fundamental to building and maintaining trust in a relationship. These values ensure that both partners are genuine and open with each other, creating a foundation of integrity and respect. This section explores the significance of honesty and transparency in a relationship and how they contribute to a trusting and healthy partnership.

    Honesty involves more than just not lying; it's about being truthful and sincere in all aspects of the relationship. It includes sharing one's thoughts, feelings, and experiences openly, even when it is difficult or uncomfortable. This level of honesty helps prevent misunderstandings and builds a deeper level of trust between partners.

    Transparency, on the other hand, is about being clear and straightforward in one's actions and intentions. It means keeping no secrets that could harm the relationship and being open about one's activities and interactions. Transparency helps to eliminate doubts and insecurities, reinforcing the trust that partners have in each other.

    Both honesty and transparency require a degree of vulnerability. By being open and vulnerable, partners show that they trust each other enough to share their true selves. This mutual vulnerability strengthens the emotional bond and fosters a more authentic connection.

    However, honesty and transparency should be practiced with sensitivity and care. It involves not only sharing one's own truth but also being receptive and respectful of the partner's perspective. Effective communication plays a crucial role in ensuring that honesty and transparency contribute positively to the relationship.

    Finally, it's important to recognize that honesty and transparency are ongoing practices. They require consistent effort and commitment from both partners. By continually striving to be honest and transparent, couples can maintain a healthy, trusting relationship, even in the face of challenges and changes.

    When to Consider a Break: Assessing Your Relationship's Health

    There are times in a relationship when taking a break might be necessary to assess the health of the partnership and the well-being of each individual. This section discusses the signs that indicate a break might be beneficial and how to navigate this challenging decision.

    A key sign that a break might be needed is when trust issues become overwhelming and persistent, despite efforts to address them. If distrust is causing constant conflict, stress, or unhappiness, it might be time to step back and reevaluate the relationship.

    Another indication is when the relationship feels stagnant or when one or both partners feel unfulfilled. A break can provide the space needed to reflect on personal needs and desires, and whether they align with the relationship's trajectory.

    It's important to approach the idea of a break with careful consideration and open communication. Discussing the reasons for the break, the expectations during this period, and the desired outcomes can help ensure that both partners are on the same page and that the break is constructive.

    A break should not be used as a way to avoid issues or as a passive-aggressive means of punishment. Instead, it should be viewed as a proactive step towards personal and relational growth, with the intention of gaining clarity and perspective.

    Finally, it's crucial to set clear boundaries during the break, such as the duration, level of contact, and any other agreements to ensure that both partners feel respected and secure. This structure can help make the break a time of meaningful reflection and potential healing.

    FAQs About Trust Issues in Relationships

    In this section, we address some frequently asked questions about trust issues in relationships. These questions reflect common concerns and provide insights into how trust can be managed and improved in a partnership.

    One common question is, "How can I tell if my trust issues are valid or if I'm being overly suspicious?" This is an important question as it highlights the fine line between genuine concerns and unfounded suspicions. It's crucial to assess the basis of these trust issues, considering past experiences, current relationship dynamics, and personal insecurities.

    Another frequent query is, "How can I rebuild trust after it's been broken?" Rebuilding trust is a complex process that requires time, patience, and consistent effort from both partners. It involves open communication, transparency, and a commitment to understanding and forgiving past mistakes.

    "Can a relationship survive without trust?" is another critical question. Trust is a fundamental element of a healthy relationship. While it's possible for a relationship to continue without trust, it's likely to face significant challenges and may not be fulfilling or healthy in the long term.

    Final Thoughts: Moving Forward with Trust

    Trust is the bedrock upon which healthy and fulfilling relationships are built. Navigating trust issues is a challenging yet essential part of maintaining a strong partnership. This final section reflects on the importance of trust and offers guidance on moving forward with a renewed focus on building and maintaining trust in relationships.

    Moving forward with trust requires a commitment to continuous improvement and understanding. It's about learning from past experiences, both positive and negative, and using these lessons to strengthen the relationship.

    Trust is not just about believing in your partner; it's also about believing in the relationship itself. It's about having faith in the partnership's resilience and the mutual desire to grow and thrive together.

    Building trust also involves a willingness to be vulnerable. Vulnerability allows for deeper connections and a more authentic relationship, where both partners feel safe and valued.

    It's important to remember that trust-building is a journey, not a destination. There will be setbacks and challenges along the way, but the effort to maintain and rebuild trust is a testament to the strength and importance of the relationship.

    Open communication remains a key component in this journey. Regularly discussing feelings, expectations, and concerns can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that both partners are aligned in their efforts to build trust.

    Seeking external support, such as therapy, can also be beneficial in navigating trust issues. A neutral perspective can provide valuable insights and tools to help strengthen the relationship.

    Finally, moving forward with trust means embracing change and growth, both individually and as a couple. It's about building a future together that is based on mutual respect, understanding, and, most importantly, trust.

    Recommended Resources

    • Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find – and Keep – Love by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller, TarcherPerigee, 2010
    • The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity by Esther Perel, Harper, 2017
    • Trust Issues: Manage the Anxiety, Insecurity and Jealousy in Your Relationship by Jessica Riley, Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015

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