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    More Women Than Men Guilty of Eye Cheating

    By Margarita Nahapetyan

    According to a new poll by a leading online independent travel agency Sunshine, while vacationing with a partner, it is women and not men who are more likely to check out members of the opposite gender in a flirtatious or curious way.

    Researchers carried out this survey in order to find out more details about male and female behavior during joint holiday or vacation. About 2,000 heterosexual men and women from the United Kingdom were involved in the survey, all of whom were in relationships and had been traveling in the previous year with their spouse/partner.

    Male surveyors were asked one simple question: if during the most recent holiday together with a girlfriend or a wife they were also checking out or ogling other people of the opposite gender. 56 per cent of men answered positively to this question. When it came to female participants to answer the same question, in regards to eyeing out other guys, 74 per cent of them responded with "yes," admitting being guilty of staring with interested attention at other men during their joint vacation with a boyfriend or a husband.

    In addition to this, all male and female surveyors who confirmed that they had been ogling other people during vacation with their partner were asked if they tried to do something in order to hide their interest for the members of the opposite gender. 77 per cent of the participants said that they did. The most popular ways to cover up the act of checking out other people by the surveyors were as follows: 36 per cent of the respondents said that they waited until their partner was not around; 22 per cent reported hiding their actions behind the sunglasses; 17 per cent said they had to pretend to be checking out the person of the same gender, and 19 per cent eyed up other people when they were absolutely sure that their partner did not see the fact.

    Chris Clarkson, one of the founders of Sunshine, said in an interview that these new findings are very interesting because it is a first study ever to find that women are guiltier party when it comes to flirting or checking out other people during a holiday vacation with a partner. And if it is not quite true, then women appear to be more honest when answering the questions when compared to their male counterparts. And as for those conspirators who were trying to hide the fact of eye cheating behind the sunglasses, that is very sneaky, Clarkson said wondering how many of those oglers got caught in the act and had a lot of explaining to do.

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