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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Keeping a Balance: Learning the Virtue of Independence in Relationships

    Choosing the right amount of independence to bring into a relationship can be tricky. On one side, you want to remain true to yourself and your individuality. On the other side, finding a way to integrate your unique outlook on life with another person's takes time, understanding, and a delicate balance. It’s a situation that often trips up couples and leaves them confused. Just like you, 'Was I too independent for my ex?'

    Exploring the concept of independence in relationships is important because it helps us understand the importance of allowing both partners to maintain a sense of autonomy while also mutual trust and reliance. However, it is important to define and decide the boundaries when it comes to independence.

    All relationships require respect and some level of mutual support. Neither side should feel smothered by the other, nor should one side feel neglected or ignored in favor of the other's needs. If a relationship fails due to one partner feeling overwhelmed or shut down, over-independence may be the cause. It's vital for two people in a relationship to find the balance between connection and individuality that works for their needs.

    Prioritizing will become the cornerstone to the success of maintaining a healthy level of independence in a relationship. Prioritizing should focus on shared interests, goals, and values. This way, each partner understands what matters most and can plan accordingly. Equally vital is the idea of true compromise; one partner should not feel completely overruled or downtrodden.

    The hallmark of a successful relationship is being able to spend quality time together as a couple, but still have space apart to pursue individual endeavors. Intimacy, communication, and making yourself vulnerable to a partner can be experienced while simultaneously preventing feeling like those endeavors are completely missing out on our individual passions. Respecting each other’s time and hobbies is essential; if one side gets suspicious or feels taken control of at the expense of their own pursuits, a negative pattern will emerge.

    It is important for a couple to listen and observe each other, as well as voice each other’s needs. If a partner’s need for independence starts to outshadow their ability to commit and be loyal, it can be a sign of trouble. Nurturing a relationship through shared closeness and conversations is essential. Finding a balance between that and one’s outside life should be a priority, lest independence begins to take away from a wonderful union.

    Taking charge of our own lives and taking part in meaningful, life-enriching experiences is essential. It adds texture to our days, opportunity to try new things, and places to explore. Sometimes, it is only after engaging in dynamic activities and experiences that we can truly understand, appreciate, and learn the virtue of being independent.

    Being in a relationship means continually dating, pausing to listen deeply, and dictating our individual needs to ensure that healthy pursuits and goals are being met. When conflicting demands occur, it can create unresolved tension between couples. Suppose two people think about ‘independence’ differently—one prefers to take an active role in most facial issues, while the other desires more hands-off manipluation, with several breaks between engagements. In such cases, be sure to retain open communication and negotiate a balance that works for all parties.

    The bottom line is, balancing commitment and independence can highlight the strengths of any relationship while still keeping each person's best interests at heart. Working together as a team to pursue individual, mutual, and fun goals strengthens the bond between partners and serves as a reminder of why they chose to come together and stay together in the first place. So, go ahead and make time for yourself, be true to who you are, and never neglect love.

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