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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    In Defence Of Bad Vibes In Relationships

    The words "Good Vibes" often evoke images of butterflies, rainbows, and happy endings. But life isn't always so perfect, and its possible for having "Bad Vibes" to bring about positive changes in relationships. Feeling comfortable being honest and vulnerable with our mate can be essential for creating an intimate connection, as good vibes don't often provide the right atmosphere for true connection and growth.

    Most people make attempts to put on a friendly face while concealing what they are truly feeling, not only from their partner, but from themselves as well. Allowing yourself to be authentic and exposing your harsh feelings is difficult, but it can be very healthy in creating a strong bond with another person. We should attempt to be less shy about expressing our needs and feelings, particularly when we are struggling with them because hiding these elements of ourselves can prevent us from forming meaningful connections.

    It's easy to forget that it's okay to feel anger, hurt, or sadness in relationships. Many couples will consciously try to silence such emotions by making jokes or avoiding conversation all together. Good vibes certainly have their place in relationships. Having moments of joy helps us remain connected, interested and playful when interacting with our partners. But it is often the uncomfortable conversations, littered with bad vibes, which build the structures of trust required for long term success.

    In many cultures there is a pervasive fear that any emotion other than joy could threaten the union. But it's important to recognize that small spats can often act as a pressure valve for large issues within the relationship. Expressing bad vibes through small disagreements does not inherently lead to divorce. It's basic human interaction and can often help us to better understand our partner. Through these conflicts we can learn how another person thinks or processes an issue, helping us foster better communication styles for the future.

    At other times we hold onto negative feelings so long that a real understanding of who we are as individuals never has a chance to develop. We have difficulty dealing with challenging situations and instead rely on passive aggressive jabs in order to heap out frustration without actually facing our fears or coming clean. This can create an environment of pure toxicity and prevent us from achieving healthy intimacy with our mates.

    However, opening up those angry energies can create more transparency and mutual respect in relationships that perhaps lacked the proper understanding of one another's perspective. The exchange of bad vibes helps us get closer, by understanding the core of who we are when faced with unique challenges. There is no need to adjust our attitude and become overly cheerful if our mate displays paisley disposition; rather take the opportunity to understand why they feel they way they do and process it as a team.

    Be wary of suppressing all negative emotions, feeling too much guilt or shame when expressing your true thoughts or trying to only bring anecdotes based off of clown like humor. There is much depth in recognizing the uncomfortable feelings between two people and using those feelings to grow and challenge each other to become better versions of ourselves in order to build a stronger union. Embracing bad vibes and making use of them in relationships can open up pathways of understanding, tolerance, love and growth at all interpersonal levels.

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