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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    7 Texting Techniques to Keep The Conversation Going (and Not Be Dry!)

    The Art of Texting

    One balmy evening, as I sat alone in the quiet embrace of my study room, the vibrant chimes of my cell phone abruptly disrupted the serene silence. An incoming text message. An old friend had reconnected out of the blue, but her texts, much like a desert mirage, held no essence, no life - they were 'dry.' From that moment, I embarked on a journey to transform my own texting style, a journey I'm eager to share with you today.

    Texting has become a mainstay of our everyday communication. Whether it's chatting with friends, engaging with colleagues, or connecting with new acquaintances, texting is often our go-to medium. Yet, the skill to keep text conversations intriguing and engaging is not something we acquire inherently. It is an art that requires a mix of creativity, empathy, and understanding of human behavior. One of the key challenges faced by many is making sure that their text exchanges are not 'dry.'

    When we talk about 'dry' texting, we're referring to messages that are bland, monotonous, and devoid of any spark that could potentially keep the conversation flowing. They don't provoke thought, elicit emotions, or encourage a response. How do we combat this textual aridity? In this article, we delve into seven practical techniques that can assist you in maintaining an engaging and captivating text conversation.

    1. Harness the Power of Open-Ended Questions

    An open-ended question is like a key that opens the door to a room filled with fascinating ideas and thoughts. It compels the other person to think, reflect, and share more than just a simple 'yes' or 'no.' It invites an elaborate response, encouraging a free flow of thoughts and ideas, which subsequently keeps the conversation alive and interesting.

    Suppose you're chatting with a friend who has just returned from a vacation. Instead of asking, 'Did you enjoy your trip?', which would most likely elicit a 'yes' or 'no' response, you could ask, 'What was the most surprising thing you encountered on your trip?' This kind of question encourages a more detailed response, sparking an engaging conversation.

    2. Embrace the Art of Active Listening (or Reading, in this case)

    Active listening is a vital communication skill that applies as much to texting as it does to in-person conversations. It involves genuinely focusing on the other person's messages, absorbing the information, and responding thoughtfully. It signals that you value their ideas and are engaged in the conversation, which fosters a sense of connection and respect.

    Reflecting on my own experiences, I recall an interaction I had with a childhood friend, whose texts were, for lack of a better word, 'dry'. Despite sharing common interests, our conversations seemed as thrilling as watching paint dry. It was only when I started practicing active listening, responding to the subtle cues in his messages, and diving deeper into his shared thoughts, that our text exchanges became significantly more engaging and less 'dry'.

    3. Leverage the Element of Surprise

    Keeping a conversation exciting requires a touch of unpredictability. Throw in an unexpected question, share an interesting fact, or narrate an amusing anecdote. Surprise elements capture attention, spark curiosity, and add a dash of excitement to your conversation. This breaks away from the usual monotony, making the conversation far from 'dry'.

    Consider this - if you're chatting about books, instead of just asking 'What's your favorite book?', you could share a fascinating fact about an author or a book you recently read. This opens up a whole new dimension to the conversation, turning a potentially mundane exchange into a riveting discussion.

    4. Use the Magic of Multimedia

    Who says texts have to be restricted to words alone? Emojis, GIFs, images, and videos can add a refreshing flavor to your text conversations. They serve as visual aids that express emotions and ideas more vibrantly than mere words. Moreover, they are likely to elicit a response, keeping the conversation flowing.

    Remember, the aim here is not to overwhelm the other person with a barrage of multimedia content, but to use them judiciously to enhance the conversation. I've personally found that sharing relevant and amusing GIFs or emoticons can often break the ice and infuse a sense of fun and light-heartedness into a conversation.

    5. Be Authentic and Show Genuine Interest

    One thing I've learned throughout my experiences with textual communication is that authenticity resonates. People can sense when you're genuinely interested in the conversation or just going through the motions. Show genuine interest in the other person's ideas and experiences, and share your own with authenticity.

    When you express genuine curiosity and share authentically, it cultivates a richer and more meaningful conversation. This not only keeps the conversation from becoming 'dry', but also deepens your connection with the other person.

    6. Mix it Up with Variety and Creativity

    Adding variety to your conversation can make it significantly more interesting. If you're constantly discussing the same topics, the conversation can quickly become dry and tedious. Keep it fresh by introducing new topics, sharing interesting articles or videos, discussing thought-provoking ideas, or even engaging in friendly debates.

    Injecting creativity into your texts can also help. Use metaphors, fun phrases, or even create your own words! It not only adds an element of fun to your conversation, but it also showcases your unique personality. I've always been a fan of wordplay and often incorporate it into my texts. It's amusing and invites engaging responses.

    7. Be Patient and Give Them Time

    Not everyone is a rapid-fire texter, and that's perfectly okay. Some people may need more time to respond to your messages, especially if they are thoughtful or require more in-depth answers. If you don't give them enough time, you might unintentionally pressure them and cause the conversation to become dry and strained.

    I've had instances where I misinterpreted a friend's slow response as disinterest, only to realize they were simply busy or needed time to craft a thoughtful response. Remember, good conversation is like a good meal - it can't be rushed!


    Just like in-person conversations, texting is an art that needs to be honed. Keeping your text exchanges lively, engaging, and far from 'dry' isn't a herculean task, but it does require a conscious effort, empathy, and a dash of creativity. By incorporating the above techniques into your texting routine, you will not only make your conversations more intriguing but also deepen your connections with others.

    Remember, at the heart of every engaging conversation is the willingness to listen, to understand, and to share. So, don't shy away from opening up, asking questions, and showing genuine interest in the other person's thoughts and experiences. Happy texting!

    Further Reading

    For those interested in learning more about effective communication, I'd recommend the following books:

    • 'Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High' by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler
    • 'Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone' by Mark Goulston
    • 'Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life' by Marshall B. Rosenberg

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