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    The Career Choices of Different Types of Narcissists

    A recent study conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Georgia has found that individuals with different types of narcissism tend to gravitate towards different types of careers. The study, which was published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, sheds light on the relationship between narcissism and career choice.

    The researchers used a sample of 222 undergraduate students and assessed their level of narcissism using the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI). They then asked the participants about their career aspirations and preferences.

    The results of the study showed that individuals with grandiose narcissism tended to prefer careers in science and business, while those with vulnerable narcissism preferred careers in the arts and social fields.

    Grandiose narcissists are characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. They tend to believe that they are special and deserve special treatment. They often seek out positions of power and influence, and they are attracted to careers that offer them the opportunity to exert control over others.

    On the other hand, vulnerable narcissists are characterized by feelings of insecurity and inadequacy, a tendency to be self-critical, and a need for reassurance and validation from others. They tend to avoid positions of power and influence and are more comfortable in careers that allow them to express their creativity and connect with others on an emotional level.

    The researchers also found that individuals with grandiose narcissism were more likely to be interested in careers that offered high status and financial rewards, while those with vulnerable narcissism were more interested in careers that offered opportunities for personal growth and self-expression.

    These findings have important implications for career counselors and employers. It is important for career counselors to be aware of the different types of narcissism and the career preferences of individuals with each type. Employers should also be aware of the different types of narcissism when hiring and promoting employees.

    The study highlights the fact that individuals with different types of narcissism tend to have different career preferences. Grandiose narcissists are attracted to careers that offer power, influence, and financial rewards, while vulnerable narcissists are more interested in careers that offer personal growth and self-expression. The study underscores the importance of understanding the relationship between personality and career choice.

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