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  • kamurj

    Taming Clutter: Tiny Minimalist Habits for a Cleaner Home

    Clutter can take over our lives without us noticing it slowly building up in the corner of our home and our minds. Tiny minimalist habits can help declutter your life – and your home – without having to commit large amounts of time or effort to the project. It will simplify your life and help you reset to a more organized and intentional lifestyle.

    The first step is to de-clutter. Start by doing one task per day, such as picking up all the items on the floor and putting them away. Make the bed everyday, and get in the habit of throwing out items that are broken, old, or nothing more than clutter anymore. Don't forget to develop a folded laundry routine to keep up with clean clothes.

    Take up the habit of putting things away where they belong as soon as they are finished with. This not only helps clear up space, it makes it easier to find items when you need them. Always ask yourself “is this necessary” before bringing new items into your home to avoid overcrowding with stuff that isn’t serving a purpose.

    When considering larger items for storage, take the minimalist approach. Get rid of what isn't essential or valuable now to make space for items that bring you joy or actually serve a purpose in the present moment. For example, invest in furniture that has a modern design so you don't feel burdened by an out-of-date look. Consider using clear plastic bins to store bulky items, like holiday decorations and sentimental items from childhood.

    Get creative when it comes to storage solutions. You can make use of every surface and vertical space for storage solution. Invest in a shelf to fit at the top of the closet, add hangers to save floor space, and hang up a shoe locker on the closet door to keep your shoes organized. Find ways to make the most of each room and craft innovative storage solutions with things available around the house.

    Take a few moments each day to set the tone for cleanliness. Starting the day with a quick walk-through of the house and spending 10 minutes tidying up can do wonders. Focus on low-hanging fruit like books, magazines, and paperwork that have settled on couches and countertops. Dirt and dust attract other dirt, so vacuum or mop one or two days out of the week to pick up any backlog.

    It is also important to practice mindfulness when it comes to maintaining a clutter free home. Acknowledge hard to clean spaces, such as the entryway and lounge, as areas that demand attention. Make sure to give spaces, such as the kitchen and bathroom, their due attention. Practicing mindful intention around house cleaning will help keep messy areas at bay.

    If all else fails, consider hiring a professional organizer. They can help find new methods of storage and help think of innovative solutions to keep a space clutter-free and looking lively. Tiny minimalist habits are highly effective for a clutter-free home. By following these tips, you can find yourself living with increased ease and tranquility.

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