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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Forsaking Back: The Journey to Hope

    Ascending up the winding road of life, many find themselves at crossroads. If you're feeling as if you've hit a wall or stuck in a never-ending cycle, it may be time to look inside and opt for forsaking back. That's right—forsake what's been holding you back and set forth on a journey to hope.

    The prospect of forsaking back may seem intoxicating, but it can be quite daunting to embark on the unfamiliar path. It is common to harbor fear, doubt and worry over what's on the other side. Most folks will think twice before scaling a mountain without knowing what is beyond its peak.

    But when you choose to forsake back, know that you gain an advantage which others don't have—the invisible support of spirit. It's always there, with an infinite willingness to dedicate itself to your healing and advancement.

    On this spiritual journey, there awaits a trusted friend who never tires or forsakes back—your authentic self. Listen to the call within and recognize that the journey is of its own making. No matter how long the road may seem, it's always there for you. Through the tough terrain and unpredictable weather, your Self is ready to provide comfort and strength when needed. As your feet carry you forward, don't forget to look around and appreciate the beauty of your surroundings; the indomitable spirit of your inner being will support you every step of the way.

    Your endeavors don't need to come with an ending point in mind either—for it is on the way that you come alive. Awareness should be kept at an all-time high throughout your trek regardless if you're going through the hard times or great accomplishments. As more ground is covered and greater distances come into view, find meaningful moments in between. Open your eyes and ears to receive clarity and be ready when sparks of light appear to serve as signposts along your sacred voyage.

    Though bountiful offerings await those who venture on, perfection shouldn't be expected as no one is mistake-proof. Enjoy the company of your missteps and take pleasure in curiosity towards where it leads you. Perfection does not reside along this spiritual path after all—it is but a distraction from the heart of the matter. In choosing to step off on this heroic quest, there are certain teachings that no book could ever give: To cherish yourself, accept other's shortcomings, forgive, and use love as your compass wherever you go. When these attitudes are adopted during your voyage, pleasant surprises will present meadows of new opportunity for personal development.

    Don't forget that pushing limits is also necessary for upward mobility—identifying boundaries let us know what needs improvement and what we could stand to change. On this endeavor, it's important to strive towards progress without exerting too much energy on the process; do so with grace and kindness while viewing yourself favorably enough in order to drive onward instead of going around in circles. That said, really stretch yourself because while living by society's expectations may bring comforts in the short term, breaking away from the safety net allows wings to stretch far enough for exploration and courageous acts.

    It's easy to feel incredibly vulnerable on any kind of expedition—especially when it's internal—but do know that confidence comes after recognizing one's capabilities and launching onto bigger projects. Forsake back and choose to live life in fullness with hope as your beacon; launch forth onto your unique spiritual journey with charisma and watch as doors open in front of you wherever you go.

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