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    Majority of Americans Unaware of Healthy Blood Pressure Levels

    According to a recent survey, the majority of Americans are unaware of the healthy blood pressure levels recommended by medical experts. The survey, which was conducted by the American Heart Association, found that 68% of adults in the United States could not accurately identify the recommended blood pressure range. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. The recommended blood pressure range for adults is less than 120/80 mmHg, according to the American Heart Association.

    The survey also found that while many Americans understand the importance of monitoring their blood pressure, few are taking the necessary steps to manage it. Only 20% of respondents said they check their blood pressure at home, and even fewer (14%) said they regularly exercise or maintain a healthy diet to manage their blood pressure. One possible reason for this lack of awareness and action may be the confusion surrounding blood pressure and what it means for overall health. Many people may not understand what blood pressure is, how it is measured, or why it is important to keep it within a healthy range.

    Some people may be reluctant to seek medical care or take medication to manage their blood pressure, due to concerns about cost, side effects, or stigma associated with a diagnosis of hypertension. The American Heart Association is working to address these issues by providing education and resources to help people better understand and manage their blood pressure. This includes promoting regular blood pressure checks, encouraging healthy lifestyle habits, and offering support for medication adherence and other forms of treatment.

    Individuals can also take steps to improve their own understanding and management of blood pressure. This may include talking to a healthcare provider about their blood pressure, learning more about the recommended blood pressure range, and making lifestyle changes to improve their overall health. The goal is to improve awareness and management of blood pressure in the United States, in order to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other related health problems. With the right knowledge and support, individuals can take control of their own health and well-being, and make positive changes that will benefit themselves and their loved ones in the long run.

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