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Erection when kissing?

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Ok, this is somewhat of a strange issue. Whenever my gf and me make out, or even hold each other close when we're lying/sitting on the couch, I always seem to get an erection. But I'm not thinking of any sexual thoughts whatsoever, but it even sometimes happens when we're holding hands. I don't understand. I don't know if she has noticed, but yeah. Anyone else had this before?

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This topic has come up before, and was very active. Hmm.... wonder why.


When you are with someone you love romantically, there is a rush of excitment and emotions. That can be enough to get you hard down there. You can be hugging, kissing, or just holding hands, but the excitement is still there. It's normal. Don't feel embarrassed, for most girls it is flattering and even a turn on, provided you are in a relationship with them. Read the above thread and you'll get lots of opinions that pretty much say the same thing.

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it's perfectly normal. for you, it shows that your body most obviousely has a great chemical connection with hers. and for her, it means that she'll know that she does indeed turn you on, and not only is that a huge ego boost for her, it can also help light her fire as well.


it's a win win situation, and just be sure to wear a long enough shirt to make it a tad less noticeable in public. but be happy, it's natural and most foten times a very good thing thats happening to you

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wow...a foreign concept to me that that is something you will "get used to." I'm sure there are equivelants for girls...can't think of any right now....


But from MY perspective, if a girl does notice it, at first its embarrassing. Especially when she's not sure what, if anything she is supposed to do about it. After a while, it IS pretty exciting and flattering...

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Visualizing Rodney Dangerfield.... but then you might get a complex about not getting any respect for it.


Girls can get just as excitied, but its less noticeable in there case. Unless erect nipples show through there shirt. But for guys, it's harder to miss.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ShySoul, you could always use this line as a joke. One of the guys that I worked with was sleeping on the couch, and he had a "tent". One of the other senior medics came in, and saw it and she called everyone over and we gathered around the couch and he woke up and a bunch of women staring at him, and then he supervisor came in and wanted to know "who planted the tree in the middle of the couch?"

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  • 1 month later...
Ok, this is somewhat of a strange issue. Whenever my gf and me make out, or even hold each other close when we're lying/sitting on the couch, I always seem to get an erection. But I'm not thinking of any sexual thoughts whatsoever, but it even sometimes happens when we're holding hands. I don't understand. I don't know if she has noticed, but yeah. Anyone else had this before?


I got this same problem...me and my gf been goin out for a month (well today makes our four week aniversary and sunday makes a whole month but like I get erections like alot when were kissin or dancin and shes rubbin on me so I back off a lil...do women really like when a guy has an erection from a kiss or dance or that stuff???

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