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Lost and found ! One missing heart ! Lost in Texas!

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Its been 5 months since I lost my heart to the man I fell in love with, with that came the distance between us. I live in Canada and he lives in Texas. We met back when he was here in Vancouver visiting on holidays and we became friends. After he went home our friendship became more, we both fell in love with each other. My hearts desire has been to be with him, to move and relocate closer to him, that was our plan. He was going to come back out here and then we were going to get married. But things happened which prevented the plan from being put into action. I have been living out of my suitcases for the past almost two months because of our plan. Then we came up with another plan, he offered to bring me out there, he was going to wire me the money, as i haven't been working for the past couple months because I was suppose to move. Anyway that has fallen through again and i don't know why. I love him with all my heart, and I will always love him.


I just don't know how much more of these let downs I can take. I understand things can happen which we have no control over. I just don't know how to decipher from reality and excuses anymore.


Again today he said he would send me the money, and I asked him if it was for real this time and he said yes.


He is faithful with his phone calls, and i know that he will call me tonight like always, I am not sure what to say to him.


I love him to much to walk away and he knows that.

But when is enough,enough.


What would you say if you were in my situation.


I know in my heart that I don't want to throw away what I have, I just don't know how to stress to him that he will lose me the longer it takes for us to be together.


I have been getting frustrated alot lately because I have guys back home here in Canada chasing after me, trying to get with me, or get my attention.


Its even gotten as bad as someone following me home on the bus to ask me out.






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Hi lilcherub,


Your plan was to be getting married and moving in together - and that plan seems threatened - thus your uncertainty right now. You need to decide whether he is playing you or not. Give him one last chance, and then make up your mind. Alternatively, come up with a plan that is foolproof - perhaps suggesting this to him would get a reaction from him that would tell you if he is serious or not. Either way, you want to see this relationship moving forward, and now it seems a bit stagnent due to "unforeseen circumstances".


You need to keep a cool head in case he is telling the truth. You don't want to damage a good thing with insecurities.


Hope this helps you some,

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