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How many here just don't like birthdays?


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Today is my birthday and not feeling so good..I just don't enjoy birthdays anymore...You just get older..I enjoyed it as a kid but now, just turning 29, I don't like it...Thinking about being 29 and how much I just haven't accomplish in my life..


Birthdays I always get bad luck, last year was terrible for me..Today I was driving and my brake hose blew and had no brakes..I have finals to study so I put it to the side because I have another car..Its going to rain tomorrow so I got some new wipers blades for it and of coarse when I tried the wipers it wouldn't turn on..I found out my wiper switch is bad....What a bithday I am having. I never get nothing but bad luck

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Aww - I am sorry you having a bad day! Especially on your birthday!


I don't know when birthdays became revelations onto our failures or our set expectations in life. But they have for me! I had set goals in mind and I said that they would occur by the quater century mark (25yrs old) and they didn't. Boo...but what do you do? I guess set them back till 30 and be disappointed then?? haha!


None the less - iwishiknew! Happy happy day. Try and get one smile in today!

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DOnt feel bad. I hate my birthdays. I love other peoples as I am a generous gift giver and love celebrations. HOWEVER i HATE my own and it is not really from getting older. I just get depressed for a few days prior and a day or so after. It has always been like this even in my early 20s, so it is not about getting older. I am not sure why I am like this. I just can't wait to get thru the day. I hate having to go to work and deal wtih people saying "happy birthday, what are your plans". It might be because in my first marriage my husband never did antyhing and didn't make the day feel special so over time I began to associate it with more nerves than anything.


My husband now is the best gift giver ever. I have celebrated three of my bdays with him and he always goes above and beyond, yet I still get that same old stupid bday depression.

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i dont at all just another year where i hvent found a SO, havent moved out, havent accomplished much in college....and still a virgin


wha hooooo


lets celebrate that


well put. that's pretty much how I feel about birthdays. Not to mention the fact that I'm not gettin' any younger.


Oh well, in about a year and a half, I can purchase alcohol and drain away at least a few of my miseries... for a little while.

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Sorry to hear that your day is going so badly. I do hope things start to look up. What a sucky birthday you're having so far. Twenty-nine shouldn't be so anti-climatic. At least not for men. I truly believe that men like fine wine get better with age.

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haha what a coincidence its my birthday too. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!!!

Ohh and same state haha dont get down man its just a day and finals mean summer so the bad gets good you just have to sweat it out for a bit.


go blow out the candles and bring in the bottle haha

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The older I get chronologically, the more I detest birthdays, least my own anyway. I love celebrating others' birthdays, but not my own. Not anymore. I feel old. It's not like I'm a kid anymore. I stopped being a kid more than a few years back. Now... I'm just on my way to being old. I'm not there yet, but it's happening.


The only real positive thing about it is, I don't seem to age physically, so that's a plus. I haven't aged a day since I was 18, so that's kind of nice. I hate it though, since everyone talks down to me, as though I were some stupid kid... when in many cases, I am older than they are. lol Try buying beer without an ID when you look like me! Cannot be done. Oh well.


Anyway, try and have a good birthday, friend. Try.

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The older I get chronologically, the more I detest birthdays, least my own anyway. I love celebrating others' birthdays, but not my own. Not anymore. I feel old. It's not like I'm a kid anymore. I stopped being a kid more than a few years back. Now... I'm just on my way to being old. I'm not there yet, but it's happening.


The only real positive thing about it is, I don't seem to age physically, so that's a plus. I haven't aged a day since I was 18, so that's kind of nice. I hate it though, since everyone talks down to me, as though I were some stupid kid... when in many cases, I am older than they are. lol Try buying beer without an ID when you look like me! Cannot be done. Oh well.


Anyway, try and have a good birthday, friend. Try.


OMG you are only 25! Old is not even close to being an issue for you yet!


Man you are going to have a tough time turning 40 if you keep that outlook!

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OMG you are only 25! Old is not even close to being an issue for you yet!


Man you are going to have a tough time turning 40 if you keep that outlook!


I don't even want to THINK about hitting 30! Let alone 40!! lol


Oh my God... I can't even imagine.


The thing is though, I look 18, but I feel way older internally. Yet I'm (only/already lol) 25, so it's strange. I guess it bothers me so much because I look at 25 as being something totally different than where I'm at in my life.


At this age, I should be living a VERY different life than the one I currently lead. And the older I get, the larger that schism becomes, only furthering my negative outlook on my increasing chronological age. If my life would become what I WANT/expect it to be, then my chronological age would not in the slightest bother me...

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My partner turns 29 is September and is not happy!


In fact, we aren't even allowed to talk about it haha I don't think he can believe his twenties are almost over.


I'm in my early twenties and I absolutely agree with the "fine wine" comment... Guys my own age aren't for me

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