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I want to attract white girls


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I'd say it's more along the lines of what Raincheck said! We usually go for our own race because it's what we grew up around in our family; thus, it's usually a 'personal relation' type thing. If they look similar to you, you'll like that feature, because you can relate to it, since you have it as well. Now, I'm not saying this is always the case! But in general, I believe this to be the case.


Anyway, I'm Italian, and live in NYC; I see women of ALL cultures left and right. I personally do have a place "in my heart" for Asian women; but I do have other places in that same heart for white women, and hispanic women, etc. and some african american women. But, not many, because they're just not my type usually. It's most of the time their attitude that turns me off, at least in my area. I'm not into loud, cursing women... sorry.


On the whole, though, I consider females as if I were comparing fruit: they're all sweet and taste good, it just depends on what you're in the mood for.


Oh, and if you're having problems finding someone from the race of your choice (that just sounds funny, as if you're shopping at the Mall...), then maybe you should try harder! If you fail to get what you want, start looking elsewhere. Look at different races! They all have some things that are nice!


Mmmm... apples! *chomp* Yummy! Ohhh... cherries! *gobble* GOOD!

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I think your whole attitude is wrong. You shouldn't be after a particular race. You should be after a particular kind of girl. I'm interested to know though, why you prefer caucasian girls... and in what way do you not prefer asian girls? Sorry but there were a lot of posts and couldn't really be bothered reading them all

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I think your whole attitude is wrong. You shouldn't be after a particular race. You should be after a particular kind of girl. I'm interested to know though, why you prefer caucasian girls... and in what way do you not prefer asian girls? Sorry but there were a lot of posts and couldn't really be bothered reading them all



I just prefer the look of their faces, and well their other assets!


I mostly see asian girls as being friends.

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  • 2 months later...

People, let's just simmer down. Everyone has their own preferences and taste but limiting yourself to just one race ain't right. Everyone race of girls are pretty and unique. It shouldn't be the race that attracts you to a person but who they are inside... yes, that sounds corny. With that said, I do have a preference.

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Does anyone else think this is funny seeing as I know a LARGE number of white men who are obsessed with asian women? Maybe this is an American thing and I should say white American men... its strange.



In response to the OP... well... I think the best way to attract anyone of any race is to be kind and generous and... you know... act like yourself and don't try and "model" yourself on what you think a "white" woman would find attractive. That's ridiculous-- there is no such notion.


And don't get discouraged-- I've dated 3 Asian men, from 3 very different Asian cultures. To think that a woman wouldn't be attracted to you because of her/your race is just silly to me. Anyone who's like that has a closed mind, indeed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I think attracting any old white girl should really not be too much of a problem. I mean come on it's not like they are ALL beautiful and gorgeous like in the magazines and movies. In real life there are plenty of fat and ugly white women out there too. I'm an Indian guy that was born and raised in America, and I've attracted several homely looking white chicks that I have not been interested in at all. Sometimes they seem a bit miffed that I don't pursue them, almost like they believe b/c they are white that every non-white must be drooling over them, even if they are fat cows or just downright butt ugly.


But it sounds like you are aiming for at least the cute white girls, if not the hot ones. The best way to attract these type of women is to first start making friends with several white girls. Once you have a couple of white girls that are your friends, other white girls may likely see you as "ok" to possibly get together with. I'm speaking from my own personal experience of having white girls that were friends open doors for me to date other white girls, often without even intending too. And/or your friends could recommend you to someone. Also stay grounded in reality and know that even for the white guys, obtaining a hot white girl is a challenge.


Good luck. (let us know your progress too)

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Mmm.. I've quite alot of caucasian girlfriends who told me that they don't like asian men. Maybe that's why.. they prefer white guys.


Some thing I am noticing.... some women are stating that they have preferences and choose to date only some one from their own race... and there are no negative comments about those females... but there are negative comments about the OP having a preference to date white girls... why is it this way?

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I'll be honest. Just not attracted to most Asian men. Don't know why. Nothing to do with racism, or some fundamental defect in my mind or heart. I'm just drawn to caucasian men. Won't apologize for it, either.


you don't have to apologize for your preferences... nobody will question about it either...


but you can see its not the same case with the OP's preferences.. his preference is already being linked with racism

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First of all - all women deserve our attention. Western society has been good for asians in the past twenty years. We asians should reciprocate through neighbourly conduct and sincere contributions.


Nevertheless, each person has his preferences. As a Chinese Canadian, this area is my expertise. My bit follows:




White girls: Self-explanatory

Westernised asian girls: Asian girls who don't watch asian dramas.

Non-westernised asian girls: Asian girls who watch asian dramas.


1. WGs are easier to pick up than NWAGs. Usually, WGs respond to opinion openers very well. NWAGs resist opinion openers.


2. The OP should watch more asian dramas. This way, he reconnects with his ancestral heritages. If you're deeply rooted in your ancestral heritages, all doors open for you. You become a much happier person. When you're a happier person, girls are drawn to you.


3. Each woman has her preferences. But these preferences mean nothing. They mean less than nothing, because they shift according to her mood, her current friends, and her most-recently-watched movie. For almost-all women, personality trumps everything.


Personality trumps everything – I know, because I pick up girls all the time. When I pick up girls, I get IOIs (indicators of interest) like there’s no tomorrow. It doesn’t matter whether the girl is asian, white, or otherwise.


4. It's okay to like white girls. I like white girls, too. I'll tell you why - most white girls, if they stay in China for more than six months, become deeply attached to China. Many white girls have told me, "I have such a soft spot for China," or "I love China, because China is brave and strong," or even "My greatest wish is to marry into a Chinese family."


These sentiments impress me everytime. Friends to my people, friends to me.


5. Study the art and science of pick-up. Then practise. To be proficient at picking up women, you must do at least 1000 approaches cumulatively. Nevertheless, even if you don't do 1000 approaches, understanding the basic concepts of pick-up will improve your social skills. When you have done 20 pick-ups, your body language and voice automatically improve. Then you become attractive to women.


6. I live in Vancouver, which is a half-asian, half-white city. All of my close asian guy friends are dating white girls. At least half of my close white guy friends are dating asian girls. This is good - intermarriages are living testaments to the friendship and alliance between our two peoples.


These are pleasant days of sunshine and easy living. Tomorrow might bring rain and overcast clouds. By building friendship and alliance now, we build for ourselves a solid shelter. One day, living will be hard. People will grumble. But they will remember - in the past, such love existed between our peoples that intermarriages were common. Then they will forbear from rash words and rueful decisions.


7. Many asian guys are reserved. Our ancestors taught us the virtue of few words and great deeds. Nevertheless, some circumstances demand words. Many white girls like asian guys. Unfortunately, asian guys never approach them. Then, these girls imagine that asian guys are arrogant, or that asian guys don't like them.


To be good with women, you must be good at conversations. You must be good at approaching strangers and speaking with strangers. thereforee, practise.


8. Today, most asian/white couples in North America are white-guy/asian-girl. But in many parts of Europe, it's the opposite. Historically, most asian/white couples in North America were asian-guy/white-girl. Actually, asian-guy/white-girl couples were considered such a problem in the old days that many moralists denounced it as a great vice. Many factors - for one thing, there weren't many asian girls in North America until the last fifty years. But this also proves that asian guys have a lot to offer – as was the common conclusion of contemporary observers.


9. You should love your ancestors, because they are your ancestors. For this reason alone, you should be in love with your people, your culture, and your traditions. I intend to live and die in Vancouver – thereforee, I’ll spread my pillow and blanket beneath the kingly red cedar. But my heart will always bear the plum blossom.


Speaking of the mundane world, however – most people don’t know how good asian guys have it. Our people thrive in bad times. In good times, they flourish like wild flowers. Every major city in the world has a solid Chinese population. If you’re Chinese, you can go to any city in the world – you’ll find people who love you and care for you only because of your ancestry.


Moreover, this century will be good for our people. Within my lifetime, I foresee that Heaven will prosper our people, enlarge our nation, and grant us many victories. Our sons and daughters will be princes and princesses – many glories await them, large and bright like poppies, and overwhelming too like a sea of poppies in summer. Our children will make garlands of poppies and decorate themselves like beautiful angels – they shall not know the sorrows of past days. Let’s stay on subject – dating, not geopolitics – the OP, however, should learn to play the asian card. It’ll enrich his life, whether he prefers to date asian girls or white girls.


10. As for me, I love the women of my people. How to explain it? Chinese women have a simple elegance. This simple elegance is graceful and womanly. But it is also genuine and down-to-earth. Chinese women are never pretentious and never cold. With their friends, they are always warm and hospitable. In fact, the best way to describe them is a luxurious down blanket. This blanket is smooth and soft – you want to hug it over and over again. And in winter, it keeps you warm. Not just your body, but your heart, too. When you make friends with Chinese women, it feels as though they touch your heart with every word, every movement. Sometimes, when your heart is cold and scattered, like a handful of dead ash, they warm it, just as a housewife handles the fire in her hearth with skill and dexterity. Sometimes, they kindle your heart into a great flame. Then you want to add your every drop of heart-blood into the cause of righteousness.


Indeed, Chinese women are youqingyouyi. Sure, they are graceful and elegant, but they are also tough and fiercely loyal. They do not hesitate to sacrifice their wealth, reputation, or even life for a good cause or a friend in need. Chinese women are brave, strong, and adventurous. How else did our people flourish even under the heaviest adversity?


These things confirm my view that my people are the most beautiful in the world. And having overcome the sorrows and hardship of the past two centuries – they are the bravest, too.


Nevertheless, since I live in Vancouver, there’s a chance I might marry a white girl. But as I’ve said elsewhere, I will enter into a long-term relationship with a woman, only if she speaks Mandarin. I’ve already convinced several white girls around me to start studying Mandarin, just to qualify as my girlfriend. Who knows, even if you don’t date me, Mandarin can still be useful – e.g. in commerce, travels, meeting other asian guys, etc.

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I know that this topic has been done to death but I just can't seem to get any white girls interested in me. I am asian. I never notice any trying to flirt with me, but notice that Asians will. ](*,)


I have an asian male friend who won't date asian girls. Never understood why. He has this same issue.


There is no specific way that i know of to attract a certain race other than to hang out at places the race of your choices congregate.


Other than that I've got nothing.

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Some thing I am noticing.... some women are stating that they have preferences and choose to date only some one from their own race... and there are no negative comments about those females... but there are negative comments about the OP having a preference to date white girls... why is it this way?


I have not read the whole thread but if that is the case I don't agree with it. Being attracted to a race is not the same to me as being attracted to other things such as a person's bank account. Being attracted to their money isn't really basing attraction on the person, but being attracted to certain physical characteristics is more innate and not as easily controlled.




Some will defend a woman who wants to date for money so hopefully they would defend a guy who has certain trait preferences.

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I have not read the whole thread but if that is the case I don't agree with it. Being attracted to a race is not the same to me as being attracted to other things such as a person's bank account. Being attracted to their money isn't really basing attraction on the person, but being attracted to certain physical characteristics is more innate and not as easily controlled.




Some will defend a woman who wants to date for money so hopefully they would defend a guy who has certain trait preferences.

Im glad someone else noticed that all so. We seem to think alike a lot tonight..lol
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