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I'm sure this topic has been covered but I just don't understand when the dumper, especially a dumper who found a new girlfriend in his same city contacts me when I live on the opposite coast??? Why bother. I'm totally over it but I've never had an ex want to stay friends with me after they have found a new girlfriend. 10 times out of 10 they forget about me. Why bother being friends especially with me who lives 3000 miles away on the opposite coast. I think he's one of those people that always needs aproval. I relpied to one of his emails after the fact he told me he met someone else but he emailed me again but I have yet to respond - If I wanted a pen pal I could do better than him!

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he just wants to check up on you and see how you are doing so he can feel better about himself. my ex-LDR does the same thing and i don't reply to her emails or pick up calls. don't give them the satisfaction

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mine too!!! it's so annoying!!! but mine WILL be back in my city in 1.5 years, which i think is why he's attempting the friendship. he's moving yet again in a few months and if he does the distance thing with the new girl i will not be happy!!!

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oh, btw, he just IMed me an hour ago to say hi... well, at least on midnight on a saturday night he's thinking of me and not the gf. how bizarre.. i didn't talk to him, just told him i had to go..in retrospect, i sounded kind of harsh and mean... i don't know if that's the right decision or not, but oh well.. i didn't want to say anything i'd regret in the morning...

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Plus if he should ever decide to visit you on your coast he may see it as a chance to have free crash space if he's in your good graces...bleh.




I'm pretty sure one of the reasons my ex wanted to stay friends was in part for what I described above. Now that my ex doesn't have any close friends here in the US (that I know would host just because), dunno how often he'll make the trip over since hotel accommodation isn't necessarily cheap!!

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