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I want to run away...


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and never come back.

I feel like I've dug myself into a gigantic hole. I feel like I have to "pretend" to behave in certain situations.

I feel used by my so-called friends.

I really believe people like me because of who I "pretend" to be.

I've been pretending for a long long time.

I get more excited when I don't hang out with people , more than I do.

I think I cry every night.

I live by myself. I'm so used to it. I would never want a roomate though, too annoying.

I would LOVE to just kill myself and get over it. but I DON"T want to die.

I regret everyday, every sec.

I'm mostly regreting... I think that's why I can't concentrate.

I'm a fear of time. It goes way too fast.

I want a LIFE.

I want to stand up for myself...but It's so hard.

Co-workers make fun of me and hit me constantly....That's all I know, since pretty much birth. Even the doctor chuckled!

I am so LOST.... I hate it so, so much. Nothing seems to get better.

I want to see a pychologist...but I no I'll just be a smartass.

I wish I was a good person.

I'm bored.., I'm annoying.


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And you've sat entirely too long in your pity box. Time to pull yourself up by the boot straps and GO! Life is ONLY what you make of it Doug. We all have something killing us from the inside out....but when you let it consume you ....your not doing yourself any favors.


You always say the same things....when are you going to realize that only you can change you? You'll be down here for as long as you allow yourself to be. You know what needs changing...yet you just gave up and would rather complain about it.

What would you like to see happen?

What are some things that you would like to change?

Make a list...and get to work bud.

As they say....get busy livin...or get busy dying...it's all YOUR choice.

Good luck my friend....it's all there. You just need to use it.

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Doug, I've read all of your posts and in all of them you keep on emotionally beating yourself up..STOP IT!! All of us are trying to help you. Only YOU can change yourself. Is there any place in your hometown that offers some sort of therapy or counseling? Life is what you make of it, if you wanna have a pity party, you will be miserable for the rest of your life. If you want to have a positive attitude toward life, then you will be a lot more positive.


It's all about ATTITUDE! You need to get out of your self-pity, go out there and change the way you think of yourself, as hard as it may seem, you CAN do it!!

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I don't know, it sounds like you're depressed. Or else in a pity party - I've done that too. But it can spiral downwards as well, and leave you a bit out of control.


It's the weekend - what are three practical things you can do this weekend? I would suggest that given how you feel you should:


i). Go for a LONG walk - I was reading a study about depression, and this doctor said that in his opinion regular exercise for over a month had the same effect as ant-depressants on his patients! He really recommended it.


ii). Play your favourite music and dance like an idiot - maybe draw the curtains first, eh?


iii). Give someone you love who loves you a call, chat to them and open up a bit.


I could go on, but give yourself three practical challenges!


Then next week, if you still feel like this, I would suggest you go and see a doctor, because you sound depressed.


Good luck.

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^MG did...and what a completely different guy. Full of life and humor now. New hair...new image. WOOT!

You show so much strength now dude...keep it up.

Doug...you'll get there...if you want it bad enough.


Yes, I did and thank you I have my slip-ups tho, but you know I'm sexy

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I'm sorry if it sounds like a pity party...but I think I needed to just write out how I felt.

I don't get weekends. I work every tuesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. That's a bummer. It really sucks! They never let me off!

Anyways, for some reason, I always get stuck with people who like to me fun of me to impress people (girls). They constantly call me "weird", "idiot","ugly"... But when they are not with other people they act like my best friend.

I just want to get away for awhile. I really just want to move and not talk to anyone. I'm trying to scratch out my old ways and friends.

It's kind of sad, though...I sleep too much, but because my dreams are so much better than reality!

I probably do need to work out...but I'm so lazy. I have a terrible work ethic.

I didn't get my first job until I was 24! I never did chores growing up either.

I need some type of system??? Maybe? Like a plan? I don't know...

Thanks for all the feedback.

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time to change all of that, have a work ethic and be proud of who you are as a person.


Girls call me weird all the time, I've even gotten "ugly" or "geeky", but I play it off because it's not true. It'll take some time, but you need to change for yourself and not others

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Travel as you will to escape the pain you feel, you will never rid yourself of what ills you. Only turning your thoughs inward will you find the peace and answers you seek.


Time to start seeing the power of positive thinking. Nothing can be accomplished and nothing can be changed from a place of negativity, hopelessness and dispair.



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