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does this girl like me as a freind or more? Please help

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There is this girl I have known for a few months now. We go to differnt highschools, but hook up at partys all the time. I really like her and we go to eat and concersts ect. She grabs my arm alot, slaps my butt and stuff like that but we have never made out or anything like that. She always looks at me and smiles, almost like she is wanting me to do something. WHy I dont I just dont know. I may be afraid of rejection. Also at partys for example I was outside sitting under tree just mellowing out she came out side and sat in my lap. If someone wouldnt have come out saide I think we would have really donw something but I just need to know if she likes me in the sexual way or just as a bud please help me!!!!!!!!!

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Well from what I read it DOES sound like she likes you more then friends, ie: the butt grabbing, sitting in your lap, always smiling at you etc etc... but if she does this with other guys too then she just might be like that with her friends. But the only way to know for sure is to just straight out ask her. But don't worry too much if she says no, just play it cool and act like it don't phase you. But I do think she likes you.

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