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Red Flag of Doom?


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I asked a girl out today after class. We both share the same group of friends, so I see her a lot anyway. I asked her out without even saying date, and she's like I don't know, "I'll call you, I'll let you know, wait I don't have your number, or you can just call me whenever", yeah all in one sentence.


Now I asked her before if we could hang out and play guitar together and I got her number then.


This time I gave her my number. We chatted for awhile and parted ways. I ended by saying I would give her a call tomorrow.


In class, she gives me the cold shoulder, like when I walk in and say hi, she barely says anything and continues to read her book. Yeah, shes a quiet reader. Not one of those talk about everything girls. Outside of class, she is different. The times I've hung out with her she seemed lively. I've heard she has never been in a relationship too. I don't know if this has anything to do with it.


What do you think? Should I try some more or just let it rest? Maybe give it more time?

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Looks to me like clear signs of not interested. If I were you I would have busted her balls with a weak answer like that. You know, give her a little trouble in a fun manner.


However bro, ask yourself this question. If you were ever attracted or interested in someone and they asked you out, would fumble with some BS excuse and then give them the cold shoulder? No. Since she did that you can conclude she has no romantic interest.

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a lot of women like to see persistence in a man, they want to feel like your really trying.


personally, if i am really into a girl i apply the 3 strikes and your out rule, will ask her out in a nice and friendly way 3 times, try different approaches. never apply pressure though, always be nice and do it in a friendly fashion with a smile on your face.


if you get a third no, or a clear no in any of your attempts (when i say clear no i mean "sorry but your not my type" or anything of that sort) then move on.


personally i rather get rejected then regret not trying hard enough. at least i can truly say i gave it my best shot and it didn't work out.

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Now I asked her before if we could hang out and play guitar together and I got her number then.


Just a side note here, dont ask girls if you can do stuff together. Suggest or tell them that they should join you in something you are doing, or get them to ask you. Make statements dont ask questions. Furthermore, if you think she is giving you the cold shoulder you should say so. Dont treat her like she get special moral treatment just because she is cute! Tease her about how lame it is, but dont act like you care too much Either way sounds like a lost case to me.

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Seh does not sound interested to be honest... unless she is trying to play a game with you... and do you really want someone who is a game player?




I think its really sweet that you asked her to play the guitar with you!


I think you should forget about her... keep the friendship.. but if you are looking for a girlfriend, find someone who will be polite to you!

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These games people play sucks! I wish everyone could just be direct. If they're not interested, they should say something like "I like you as a friend, blah blah blah" and if they are interested it should be as simple as "yeah, let's do something this weekend".


But too often, people say one thing, but mean another, under the guise of not wanting to hurt someone's feelings but they end up making things worse!

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