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you don't see me flipping out when i cut my hand.


LOL I would take a cut on the hand to my period anyday!


Not that I am defending anyone for anything, I think it can be controlled for the most part. But sometimes we just need to be a little emotional. (personally I am a cryer not a fighter) Unless it is too unreasonable (this case I would say is unreasonable) just bear with us. It is more than cramps, it is hormones, and bloating, and headaches and acne, and exhaustion all at the same time. Not to mention all of the obvious disgusting aspects of it. It can all be a little overwhelming.


Anyway...I think guys could, in some cases, be a little more sensitive and just let us cry it out and I think girls, in some cases, need to find other ways to let it out than on our poor unexpecting guys.


I have a friend whos bf gave her flowers and PMS medication once. That was hilarious.


So maybe keep your medicine cabinet stocked with a box or 2 of the stuff. (before that time of the month rolls around, otherwise you will be in a world of trouble)

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I think that you might be making a mistake by letting her chalk unacceptable behavior up to PMS. Asking your partner to respect you and to not flip out over small things isn't a three-week-a-month thing. Unacceptable behavior is unacceptable behavior, and you should call her on it. If anything, by allowing this behavior because of PMS, you're encouraging her to act inappropriately.


Every person is responsible for their actions, and makes the choice to behave in the way that they do. If she needs help learning to cope with anger/stress, okay, but she needs to seek that help and not blame her behavior on PMS.

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