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The "hockey player" that finally moved away.... ah


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I posted earlier, maybe a month ago, about I guy I met and really hit it off with. At the time I was wondering how many of you believe in the hockey player stereotype, because even though he's a really great guy and I like him alot, most people around me told me to stay away from him because he was a hockey player.


Anyway, I got over the stereotype, but the thing is he was called up (to play hockey) earlier than everyone expected so our nice little fling was cut short, ~practically~ before it started. I was pretty sad, and still am, and think about him more than I'd like, but thats not the issue.


We see each other on msn a fair amount, but never talk. We've only talked twice since he's left, and that had to be... about three almost four weeks ago. He's REALLY shy, and unfortunately so am I, which complicated things in the past (When we first met we both liked each other but only told our close friends, who told each other, who then shared the info with the two of us, I know, very junior high.) Anyways, because he's shy I decided I'd initiate conversation atleast once, so I said hey once and we ended up having a fair sized somewhat flirty conversation, it was fun (not on of those monosyllabic msn things) and so on, but we haven't talked since.


I can't bring myself to initiate another convo, I'm basically waiting for him to, otherwise I'll just feel like I'm harassing him or something, but we've been on msn a few times now at the same time and nothing. If he wanted to talk to me he would, right?


My question really is, I guess, should I give up at this point and accept that we don't talk anymore, or should I try one more time?

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