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I came to the US 6 yrs back as a happyily married woman...today I only have bitterness and sadness left. My ex hubby left...two yrs later I met somebody who broke my heart & went thro the terrible pain of that. One after other I only come accross guys who are not looking for love. I'm so very tired...each night I cry & go to sleep. No family in the US I am beginning to lose it...but ya I feel I have to conquer it all. These jerks don't deserve a thought......I will not let my guard down. Sat eve I met a guy who I really liked. Sun I met him again & he was all touchy feely & tried to kiss me. I turned my face, didn't wanna go beyond hugging. Is this the dating norm in US? I looked in Friendster, saw his profile. One pic was him felxing his muscles without his shirt. I was SHOCKED...probably must be looking for fun. He's 33 & raised here. I sent him a msg saying nudity is prohibited on Friendster...thro my profile, never got a reply. I am still groping in the dark...how to find my way thro this maze of darkness.....HELP

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Hey Poochie! Sounds frightening!


Seems sadly that yes, its pretty typical in the US that after a few dates one would try to kiss or make a physical move. Some sooner, some later. Sounds like after seeing you ONCE, this guy was ready. Creepy to be sure....


But don't compromise your comfort.


Can I ask - where in the US are you? I mean, like Cali - South, Mid-west, East coast?? Just curious.

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It's hard....it's sooooooo hard. No a guy who likes you and respects you and for wants to be with you or see if he can be with you will not push anything. If they do and you give them the hint that it's to go no further guys who really want to be there will back off and wait for you to be ready. There are so many guys out there who aren't ready/interested in a relationship and really even just haven't found the girl they want that with. Hang in there. But don't look. Love does not come to those who search for it endlessly. It comes when you don't feel you even need it.

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I live in Fremont, CA. No this guy did not push me into kissing. we are really attracted to each other and it's evident. But I wouldn't act on it & he probably did. ONCE I turned my face as he touched my lips he did not push me in anyway....We were already hugging a that time..I'm very shy & second date is too soon to get cosy. Plus we spent hours together on both dates. But tell me if a guy is shirtless on his friendster profile...does it mean he's looking 4 easy sex? I really liked him, somehow am very very confused...he's very touchy feely he'll always put his arm around me...but I see more affection. He also came accross as reserved & quiet in someways. I sent him a msg saying nudity is prohibited on Friendster...thro my profile, never got a reply. He told me at the end of the date that I should e mail him but I only send this message through Friendster. Should I forget about him or mail him back....I'm confused...just don't want to be hurt in anyway...

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So do you think a guy if he poses shirtless for a pic on a public profile is normal? it does not mean he's flauting his body & asking for attention...gals? I sent a msg thro friendster...he didn't reply...but he had only asked me to mail him back at the end of the date which I didn't do. so U still think i shud wait for him to initiate any kinda contact...ok...man it's so hard to figure out dating rules and how to go about it...

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well, the email you sent him, does he know it's you. and yes, he is flaunting. but only morons would put pics like that on there. i'm a big guy and don't have any profiles with me posing. well, i don't have any profiles anywhere anyways. lol

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