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I need help! I am 30 years old and have been bulimic for 15 years.. My boyfriend recently dumped me and since then, the problem has worsened. I am upset, and depressed so of course, I turn to food for comfort.. Not only do I eat.. I eat a lot! It's pathetic! I can't stop this.. I eat, throw up, eat, throw up, eat.. you get the picture.. this goes on throughout the day and I'm sick of it! Literally...

Does anyone know anything about this and how to stop the cycle? I feel like it's killing me slowly....

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I would definitely look into getting an appointment with a counselor of some sort. Check any employee assistance programs your company may or may not have available, or check your local phone book. There are ways to get help. People do die from this. Please get help; you will be glad you did.

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Bulimia is a serious disorder. The reason that you can't seem to stop, even though you want to is because it is addictive. The only way to stop the cycle is to get some help from a support group or your doctor. You have been doing it for a long time and it is only going to get worse until you get some help. It is good that you want quit, because Bulimia can be fatal. So get some help, don't be discouraged I am sure you can overcome it.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi I'm am 14 year old girl and I'm sure that you don't want to listen to me because I'm younger than you but I just want you to listen to me. I was bulimic for about 3 years and when my parents found out they didn't really do anything about it I though that they would flip my mother though that I was a rebel and that I was doing this because I hated her. {which I don't hate her by they way}. They way that they found out is that I had to go to the dentist and he said that my teeth were gross. He asked me if I was bulimic or course I denied it but he knew it. he told my parents, they took me to the doctor the doctor told them that the dentist was right and I had to stop. It was extremely serious (where I was) Because I almost killed myself doing it. But anyways the point that I'm getting at is that I think you should get some help!! PLEASE!


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I have also had problems with eating disorders. I have been mire anorexic than bulemic, although I did have a bulemic phase. The only way you can do anything about this is to confront your fears and overlook the emarasssment of talking to someone about this. I know that I was terribly embarrassed to talk about it. Acutally, I thought to myself, if I say something, they will look at my body and think that "yes, I SHOULD be trying to lose weight" when in fact, I was a stick. When I finally admitted to it, the doctors were very understanding and helpful. It takes a tremendous amount of will power so its not like they give you meds and you're ok. You have to work with them. But if you get the professional help, you are on the road to success.

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  • 11 months later...
I need help! I am 30 years old and have been bulimic for 15 years.. My boyfriend recently dumped me and since then, the problem has worsened. I am upset, and depressed so of course, I turn to food for comfort.. Not only do I eat.. I eat a lot! It's pathetic! I can't stop this.. I eat, throw up, eat, throw up, eat.. you get the picture.. this goes on throughout the day and I'm sick of it! Literally...

Does anyone know anything about this and how to stop the cycle? I feel like it's killing me slowly....


Just wanted to offer my support. I'm bulimic and I know how hard it is, that vicious cycle of binge purge binge purge, after a while its like your only friend, it may hurt but at least you know where u stand right? First up I want to say well done for asking for help, it's always hard nmpo matter how long you've been suffering. My advice to you is go to a homeopathic consellour, that's what I do, she's given me a remedy specific to me and it really does help, try not to be alone in the house too much although it is unavoidable sometimes. It doesn't just go away, I've been trying to recover for almost 7 months and its just a rollercoaster of better and worse. Just take it little steps at a time, a miracle will eventually happen.


Good Luck


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