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...does she really mean this?

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i think you're a great guy..but we should just be friends; i dont really have time to 'go out' right now


This was just now online. We went out last night and I thought we had a lot of fun. Does she really not have the time to go out with me or is she saying that to be nice?


She IS in a sorority and she does have a full load of classes... but I did try scheduling a second date twice but both times she came up with reasons not to.


I eventually just told her that if she was ever interested in going out that I'm always down and otherwise I'm glad we are still friends (which I'm really no )

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This was just now online. We went out last night and I thought we had a lot of fun. Does she really not have the time to go out with me or is she saying that to be nice?


She IS in a sorority and she does have a full load of classes... but I did try scheduling a second date twice but both times she came up with reasons not to.


I eventually just told her that if she was ever interested in going out that I'm always down and otherwise I'm glad we are still friends (which I'm really no )



Maybe she really doesn't have time due to her study commitments, but I have to say that it does sound like an excuse. I mean, if she is busy but really interested in being more than friends then why didn't she say 'I'd love to get to know you better, but you will have to bear with me for a while as I'm really snowed under with study' or something along those lines. The fact that she has specifically said you guys should 'just be friends' indicates that she is not interested in more, not at this time certainly.


If you can put any other feelings aside for now and be just her friend then fine. Who knows, maybe things will change one day.


Main thing, keep your chin up. Worse things happen at sea as they say. I wish you all the best...

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errrr..... i don't know - it could be an excuse or she could be for real. either way, move on. either she really doesn't have the time to date you, or she doesn't have the interest, or both! so don't sit around waiting for her load to lighten. I made that mistake before, where a guy was always telling me he was too busy, too busy, and i kept waiting.... then when he did have less stuff going on, he STILL wasn't asking me out, so i just finally understood and moved on. (And guess what! years later, he came back saying letting go of me was the dumbest thing he ever did!) so, yeah, walk away and if she realizes she made a mistake, she can come find you.

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