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This might be a dumb question but I'm curious. When you get a tattoo, they usually shave the area before they start right? Does this make hair grow back more ...like do you have to keep shaving there even if its not a normaly hairy area? Also, how long do you normally have to keep the bandages and such on?


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they shave you if its anything more than the lightest, finest hair...

no, you dont have to keep shaving, it would take the scab off, which would be BAD


bandages? um... about a half hour?

but the tattooist will go thorugh all of this with you.

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They don't shave unless it is a hairy area (like unshaven legs, or your forearm or something!). I was never shaved for any of them, as I got them on areas that just have the regular fine hair.


Different artists may tell you different things.


After a lot of research though (I have two, but have had them recoloured and "enhanced" as well).


I have read best is to keep bandage on for an 1-2 hours depending, to not pick scabs, to NOT use petroleum based products as they bleach the colour, use instead a a gentle "hypo-allergenic moisturizer" like Lubriderm (which oddly enough I am allergic to because of the lanolin in it..), and be careful of it being TOO moist or TOO dry. Let the flaking fall of on its own...don't pick!


And when you wash, don't scrub/rub it...use a gentle antibacterial soap (like liquid Dial) and gently apply over and rinse gently.


And keep it out of sun! I have laughed at how many times I see people walk out on the beach with BRAND new tattoos...BAD...after they have set in you can use sunblock on them, but not for first few weeks as it can be bad for them...just hide them from sun completely.


AND, I learned this last time from my awesome tattoo artist.....NO HOT TUBS, BATHS, or SWIMMING for AT LEAST 4-6 weeks, and if you really want to allow colour to be more true, no hot tubs or swimming pools (due to chlorine) for 3-6 months! Chlorine even after is not greatest thing for them, but the first few months are worse for it. Which explains why mine faded so much before as I used to swim almost daily (now I run and bike and fortunately that does not hurt them at all!

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I used Vaseline derma-care (note - NOT vaseline) as recommended by my tattoo artist. I had cling film rather than a bandage and I kept that on for about...4/5 hours? Mine is on my hip, so no shaving, definitely do not shave after. It is ridiculously tempting to pick, but don't! Mine is quite small, so must of it just sort of crumbled away, or transferred itself to my underwear cause it was too low even for my lowest riders!


I'm contemplating another one. My parents don't know about the one I have, so I may tell them I'm getting two done and then show them both. Will probably wait until I'm away at uni, so it can be healed by the time they see it. Maybe.

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I've got several, and they always shaved the area first, didn't matter where it was......As for bandages, I had one tat guy tell me to take it off after an hour, and another said after 2 hours. Been told to use antibiotic cream by one, A&D ointment by another. It ALL seemed to work out just fine.

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I've got 5 tattoos, saving up for number 6. The tattoo artist has shaved me occasionally, but it didn't make the hair grow back any thicker. My bloke puts cling film on after they're done which seems to work and then I use mild soap and water and e-45 cream. I have heard of people using hemorrhoid cream, don't know if it works but i've heard some people swear by it!

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