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pre-cum question

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Ok, so I've heard before that you can get pregnant from pre-cum getting in you. I know it's not too likely but I was wondering, if you can get preg from that, then wouldn't all the people that do the pull out method get pregnant from the pre-cum??? because even if you pull out before an orgasm, there is still the pre.

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Ok, so I've heard before that you can get pregnant from pre-cum getting in you. I know it's not too likely but I was wondering, if you can get preg from that, then wouldn't all the people that do the pull out method get pregnant from the pre-cum??? because even if you pull out before an orgasm, there is still the pre.


Not everyone gets pregnant after a guy blows his whole load in her either. Anyone who hasn't gotten pregnant from pulling out is just lucky.


My best friend got pregnant because she didn't think she would get pregnant if the guy pulled out. DON'T RISK IT

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