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why i oughta........!

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I have this friend ive known for a long time. we hang out a lot but lately he has been really agitating me! Like yesterday for example he comes over but my whole family is sick with the stomach flu. So he was talking a little loud so i politely asked "why do you have to talk so loud, my family trying to sleep". So he says to me "shut the F*** up John". I mean was i outtla line for asking him to keep it down in my own house? The kids a year younger than i am but im thinking to myself, Should I knock this kid out? The more and more the kid comes over, the more i just wanna lay him out and forbid him from coming to my house!


What would you guys do in my shoes??? It seems he has an attitude problem and a problem with my authority in my own house!

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Lay it on the line. Let the guy know whats going on and he is not on his "territory". If the guy dosn't back-down, physically remove him. I'm not suggesting getting into a fight, thats rarely the answer. As always, do what you need to do, then do what you must.

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