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3 things I love..


He has this unique ability to know before even talking to me that I am having a 'bad' day and will msg me with something cute like how beautiful i am or something like that, and it will cheer me up.


He is incredibly generous and will help someone in need if he can.


He tries to act all tough, like a big macho guy, and anyone that didn't know he would be scared if the situation called for it, but he is the biggest softy I know.


and I hate it when he farts and then pretends he didn't.. I know he did I can smell it.

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I love...


- that he cheers me up in a way no one can

- that is shy but not around me

- that he is honest, intelligent, ... ok so there is a list of more than three coming here.


I hate...

- that he sometimes only shows that something is bothering him and refuses to talk about it. I get it out of him all the time though, but it can really be frustrating

- nothing

- nothing



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I love:

* Her warm, comforting heart.

* Her devotion and love. It keeps me going.

* Waking up next to her beautiful gaze looking back into my eyes. It's the most breath-taking sight.


I hate:

* The alcohol. Thank god I've managed to slow her down a bit.

* Jokingly flirtacious moments with other people. She's just being silly but it still hurts.

* Can't think and don't want to think of anything else.

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I love:

-His incredibly beautiful, versatile, and ever-changing mind. I fell in love with him by being in his head, and god, sometimes just looking at the way he thinks makes me melt.

-The devotion and caring that he shows to me and our relationship.

-The way he just fits into me and I into him. We've both experienced the "Oh. THAT'S what was missing all this time."

*The fact that he's a redhead. I don't know, I just adore it.


I hate:

-His obsessive nature. It makes it hard for him to keep track of priorities sometimes, and I know that he has the potential to become a workaholic.

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I love:


-How funny he is. The first time I got to spend alone time with him, he was taking me home from group of friends when he had a flat tire. From spending couple hours towing the car -no spare- we ended up spending the next three days together...I have never laughed so much...his quick wit and creative comebacks really impressed me...they still do everytime!


-How innocent, warm, childlike his eyes are...almost a complete opposite because he's sort of a "tough guy" on the exterior.....I love that he is an equal amount of tough guy, able to stand up for himself, strong character in general, and at the same time he's so open and free to love wholy.


-I love that we fit. Everytime we hold each other (it's like the post above me said) there's that feeling of "OH, that's what has been missing".


I hate:


-I don't really hate it, it just is annoying sometimes: sometimes he's a little too goofy. I don't want that to ever leave him because it's a really great part about him...he's warm, he laughs easily and openly, he lifts you up and tosses you around, but when I'm in a quiet mood it can get a little annoying.

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I love:


- How he knows exactly who he is, inside and out, and he never ever conforms to other people's expectations


- How he doesn't take life too seriously, but always gets done, what needs to be done.


- I feel like going to his house is like my vacation time, because he is so laid back, it's infectious and I have no choice but to slow down.


I hate: (strong word)


- How he gets a little too goofy when I'm in a quiet mood, and how he sometimes doesn't think before he speaks.


- That we have different sleep schedules, and I get up at 9:30-10 on non-school days, whereas, he sleeps till at least 12:30 PM.


- Nothing else

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